Chapter 39

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Phoebe POV

It had been six months. Exactly six months since Catherine and Lupus had died. I'm happy to say that Mount Verona was back to it's jolly self, maybe even better. The Black Witches had left as soon as Catherine had died and never approached our borders ever again. Insights told us that they had moved off from Mount Verona and had fled somewhere in the meadow, far away from us.

Felix had returned to his clan of werewolves without mentioning his disappearance and things were going quite smoothly for him. He'd taken Lupus's body with him, buried him somewhere in his castle. Mount Verona had created a bond between Felix's clan of werewolves as allies, helping each other out without exactly making contact.

Chase had called for a meeting today with Nick, Felix and I in acknowledgement of the six month mark which would be held somewhere in the castle that night. Without Catherine or any other female around in the castle, it's been quite lonely. I'd honestly missed someone to hang around that weren't multiple guards who followed me wherever I went.

"I'm glad you could make it today." Chase greets Felix, stretching his hand out for him to shake. My brother scoffs at his speech and flicks Chase's hand away. "You don't have to be so formal." He mutters, sitting down beside me. We're all seated around a long table in the hall. The table reaches one side all the way to the other. It isn't exactly the most appropriate place for a meeting for four so we all stayed to one corner.

Chase snickers at Felix's remark and takes a seat at the very end of the table.  My eyes wander up to the ceiling where a huge chandelier hangs down from. It's bright and gold with jewels hanging off from the hinges. It lights up the entire room and illuminates the paintings on the ceiling  of bats and vampires. Not as pretty as the ones back in the West Wing if I must say so myself.

"I'll just jump into the reason why I've decided to call you all here." Chase rambles, his fingers entwined with each other as he presses both his hands on the table. I turn towards him, averting my gaze from the ceiling to his figure. The light shines off his hair, reflecting this particular glow on the ends of his hair. Oh, now I know why we've got chandeliers in nearly every hallway of the castle.

"Ever since I was seventeen, I knew I wasn't fit for king." Chase starts, drawing long sighs here and there. "That was around the time I'd finally realised the real power I had and what I could do with it. I knew I was capable of horrid things but never did I realise I could tear down mountains with a wave of my hand." He explains. "And I really could. If my temper rose high enough, I would do despicable things." He nods, his eyes fixated on his hands.

"If for some reason, we face a war, there's no way I can lead this city." He states, his voice steady and confident as if he'd rehearsed that line over and over. Felix's head tilts slightly and he blinks a couple of times, his habit when he's either confused or shocked. In this case, both.

Nick's eyes grow wide and his entire neck turns to face Chase. "What?" He barely speaks, shocked and dumbfounded. Chase nods his head slowly, his lips formed into a strong, thin line. "I'm terminating my position as king." Chase announces. Nick then glances to me, his eyes completely wide and his hands sprawled across the table. His face is hilarious right now, but I hold in my laughter. He gives me a pleading look and I simply whisper, "I didn't know," just loud enough for him to hear.

Nick then averts his gaze from me, realising I'm just as useless as the guards standing around us. So he takes matters into his own hands. "What do you mean? You can't just resign." He says quickly. A small smile spreads across Chase's face. "No, no I can't." He says, shaking his head while his gaze still stays on his hands. "But, I can pass it on to my omega." He states clearly. The iconic grin plasters his face and he squints his eyes mischievously. Nick's mouth closes and I could hear the clocks ticking in his head. I quickly turn to Felix who looks like he's enjoying this as much as I am. Like he's watching a game changing episode in his favourite tv show. He catches my gaze and smirks, his hand reaching up to his mouth as he opens it and pretends to chuck a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

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