Chapter 21

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Phoebe POV

"And then he was all like, 'that was my cake!'" Catherine tells me in a grumpy voice as she imitates Chase. I give out a small laugh and she goes on. "Then me being the bratty kid I am was like, well finders, keepers. And I remember sticking my tongue out!" She replays, pouting her face and crossing her arms around her chest and stomping her foot on the floor. "Oh god, I was such a princess back then." She sighs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"But hey, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. Growing up, knowing that I was second place also leaves a strain on someone's back." She explains. "Which is why we got so close in some way. We're both second." She connects. She shrugs her shoulders and crosses her eyes towards me. "Second as in?" I question. She stops walking and turns to face me. The wind blows in her hair, swaying it into her face. The castle gardens are absolutely beautiful. The balcony that was once grey bricks and tall walls had been converted with plants and vines but still kept that bricky feeling. "Second as in not first in the line. The chances of us taking charge of our kingdoms are almost impossible. Second as in we aren't meant to be leaders." She explains, letting out a sigh at the end of her speech.

"Yeah, that's true." I reply, continuing to walk along the balcony. "Yeah. But I mean, we're fine. I have you anyway." She smirks. I almost laugh before a flood of guards come running out of the castle. I step closer towards the balcony edge and look down. Men in silver armour hold tall swords and banners, storming out of the castle and out into the village.

They take a few people at the front of the castle and explain something to them. The people ask questions with confused and shocked faces. I hear them yell, "My children are at home. I must get them." But the guard only shakes his head and takes his hand, leading him to a large truck located at the very end of the castle. I look around as guards take more and more people towards the truck. My brows scrunch in confusion. What is going on?

I turn around to face Catherine whose face has remained neutral yet curious. "What's happening?" I ask her. Her shoulders shrug upwards. "Beats me." She mumbles. But before I could open my mouth to say more, I heard someone call my name. "Phoebe!" Chase's voice comes echoing throughout the garden as his footsteps come hurrying in. "Oh Phoebe, you're here." His voice is rigid as he catches his breath. The top of his head is building up with sweat while he hunches down and rests his palms on his thigh.

"Chase, babe what's going on?" I ask him, stepping forward and placing my hands on each side of his face, tilting them upwards. His blue eyes meet mine and I almost forget about my question. "There's an attack. Well, something's coming." He explains. "I'm evacuating the city and sending them all up to the mountains." He tells me. That explains why the guards were loading all the villagers into the trucks. "But what about their children? Or if some family members are still at home?" I ask, remembering the man telling the guard about his children still at home.

"Don't worry, my guards are going into every house. No one will be left behind. I promise." He tells me, getting up from his crouch and stepping closer to me. When his hand circles my waist, I suddenly remember my hands are still cupped around his face. He leans down and kisses my nose. But just as we pull back, a huge thud comes falling down from the sky and landing right next to me. I look down, thinking it's a dead bird but gosh, was I wrong. When my eyes meet the mysterious figure, a scream escapes my lips and I step back in fear. My hands grip Chase harder as my eyes start to water with tears. "Oh my god." Catherine yells. She brings her hand to her mouth to shut it from screaming. She moves back in fear, her steps rigid and shaky.

Laying right next to me is a guard. He's still wearing his uniform, all suited up. But his helmet had been taken off. And so was his head. His dead body just laid there. Pale and bloody. His crimson blood oozing out from his suit and building a pool of red liquid around him, making me step back further. Chase's eyes grow large at the scene. "Holy shit." I hear him mutter. "They're in the fucking castle."

I turn back to him. "Chase! A body just fell out of the fucking sky!" I scream. Chase turns back to me and grips harder on my waist. "It's not safe. You need to go to your room with the guards. They will protect you." He tells me. "Guards! I need all eyes on the Queen and Princess Catherine. Do not let them leave your sight. Protect them with your life. Even if you have to end up like this one." He says the last part is quiet so only Catherine and I can hear. Clearly not wanting the guards to. He looks back at the corpse and shudders. "What about you? Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I'm going to go down to the border to help the guards out. Whatever that thing is, it's ripping apart the forest and I don't want anyone getting harmed." He tells me, slowly pulling back. I shake my head violently and pull him back in. "No no no. It's too dangerous." I fight but he only smiles and brings himself in again. "I'll be fine. And even if I do die, I'll die trying." He jokes while my fear only increases. "No. You won't die. Because you're staying here, with me."

His smile shifts to a warm one, making me more hopeful that he'll stay. "You know I have to go." He says, not letting the smile wipe off his face. "My powers can help them. And they will." He insists, his grip tightens around my waist, shaking me as he says the last bit of his sentence. I bite the insides of my mouth and tilt my head to the right, shaking it slightly. "Please be careful." I whisper, leaning into him more and wrapping my arms around his neck, letting them rest on his shoulders. He wraps himself over me, pulling me into him, tilting down and laying his head on my shoulder. "I promise I'll come back." He whispers.

I pull back and kiss the corner of his mouth, brushing my lips over him as my hands grip his shoulders harder. When he pulls back, he gives me his iconic Chase grin. "Don't miss me too much." He jokes. I scoff at him. "You're such a mood killer." I tell him. He snickers before untangling himself and stepping back. "I'll be back. I promise." And with that, he zooms past Catherine and I, leaving us on the porch.

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Six guards circle Catherine and I and escort us to our room. Normally there's only two guards that follow behind us but today, I've got extra protection. Catherine holds on to me from behind, her hand around my back as she comforts me towards our room. I can hear her muttering something under her breath but I don't think much of it. We're both in shock.

When the guards take us to our room, they stop at the door. "Would you like us to step inside or stay out here?" One of them asks. I look over at Catherine who looks hesitant. She's shaky and jittery, unable to stay still. I look back at our room. The window is sealed shut and there's no possible way someone could get in from that height. And it would take them years to open it, giving us time to run and get the guards. One scream and I'm sure they'll come running in. I turn back to the guards. "We'll be fine inside." They nod and shut the door, leaving Catherine and I in our room. We stay in the corridor of the room for a few moments. She stands against the wall while I stand opposite of her, leaning against the bathroom door. She takes a few deep breaths in and then takes them out.

"That was the first time I saw a dead body." She stutters. I step forward and put my hands on her shoulders, rubbing her back. "It's alright. I know the first time I saw a dead body I couldn't think straight." I tell her, trying to find a way to give her comfort. She nods and pulls back. "That must have been scary for you." I comment. She sniffles her nose, clearing it out before giving out a rigid breath.

"Yeah. That was a lot to take in." She says. I nod before giving her one last hug. We take a few steps into the room, Catherine's eyes not leaving the floor. I look back at her before turning to the room but only to find myself stopping in my tracks. I extend my hand out to stop Catherine from moving. She stops, just barely hitting my arm before looking up. In the very corner of my room was a dark figure, hooded with a misty aura. It hovered over my bed while standing up straight. "What the hell." I mutter, lost for words. My body sends a shiver all over, making me feel naked and weak. The figure steps closer to us while making an echoing noise. Like a ghost from a horror movie, yet scarier because it's right in front of me, hovering closer to where Catherine and I stood.

But before I could scream for the guards to come in, a hard aching pain hits me as the creature steps closer. The pain hits my head and I can't seem to focus anymore. It knocks me out cold, beating me down to the floor, unconscious. 

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