Chapter 16

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Note: at the end of this chapter, there'll be some stuff in italics. Just so you don't get confused, the text in italics later on is under an anonymous POv.

Chase POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, Queen Phoebe Ashgray." Nick announces to the crowd. I pull back and take a step away from Phoebe, taking her hand in mine and turning to face the crowd. Catherine stands at the very front row, her smile gleaming with happiness and glee.

Lupus stands next to her, fixed posture and hands across his toro, clapping casually alongside Catherine who's bruising her palms. The bishop comes walking through the side with a large case in his hands. He hands it to Nick and takes off the top lid, exposing a tiara inside. It's silver and shiny with sapphires along the rim. Just like Phoebe's necklace. He takes it off the casing and turns to Phoebe, placing it on her head. She smiles and looks up at it, her eyes drawn upwards making her look adorable. Nick then turns to me.

"And now, our official king, Chase Ashgray. King and leader of the Mount Verona Vampire Coven." He announces, locking eyes with me at the very end. He gives me a small smile and turns around, picking up the second case given to him by the bishop. The bishop lifts the lid and Nick takes the crown underneath it. He admires it for a second and turns to me, placing it on top of my head and letting it rest on my hair. "People of Mount Verona, your royal leaders."

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I lay my head down on the pillow, staring up at my ceiling and reminiscing about last night's wedding. Phoebe in her beautiful dress and that tiara on her head, reflecting on her necklace. Her perfect smile that she wore the entire time. And now she was mine.  That would be the best day of my life.

But then my mind lingers on the walk I had a few nights back and my encounter with Felix. I couldn't imagine someone so humble looking to have such a fierce persona, threatening to start a war. Why though? And why now?

That vision messed me up. I remember it clearly, a monster on all fours, crawling slowly towards Phoebe with saliva dripping off of his canines, ready to seep through her pale skin. I shudder at the thought. Because, it was only a thought? Right?

Phoebe lays beside me, staring up at the ceiling as well. Her mind is clogged and weary. I seep through and into them, wanting to know what goes on in that beautiful mind of hers. 'What is bothering you, my love?' I echo.

She shudders in shock then turns around in the sheets, a rustling sound returning from her actions. She twists around to face me, her right cheek flat down on her palm. "You are such an invasion of privacy." She states. I sit up and lay my elbow on the pillow, resting my temple on my palm while I look down at her. "You've said that before." I tell her. She sticks her tongue out at me in response. "Because it's facts!"

I laugh at her behaviour and pull her closer to me with my other hand. I draw out a long sigh that carries on through the air, rustling her loose locks and sending them flying. "Our minds are both clogged right now, eh?" I whisper into her forehead, slowly kissing it lightly. "Yeah, they are." She agrees. I pull back and give her some space as I admire her features under the dim light behind me. "What are you so concerned about, my love?" I ask her, patiently and eager. She thins her lips into a line and sighs. "It just doesn't add up."

"What doesn't?" I ask her. "Felix. I just don't get it." She replies. "He's so lovely and just, caring, you know?"She shifts beside me. "It was so odd how he spoke to me. Like it wasn't Felix at all." She whispers. Well whatever he must've told her sounds definitely like the Felix I encountered.

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