Chapter 37

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Phoebe POV

"Come on, Lupus!" I yell, picking up the pillow from beside me. I was sixteen then, still stuck in the West Wing. "Princess, that's not very professional of me." Lupus sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. I pout my lips out and shrug my shoulders. The pillow sags in my arms, feeling heavy as it tilts over my hand. Lupus sighed once again and smiled. "Five minutes." I hear him mumble as he picks up the pillow near him. My face gleams with excitement and I quickly grab hold of the pillow in my arms tightly, making it fill with life once again.

He chuckles and I use this chance to take a hit at him. I knock the pillow on his right side and he stumbles ever so slightly. I grin in triumph but Lupus only smirks, taking grasp on each side of his pillow and launching it toward me.

Four hours, we kept passing back throws and ripping up pillows. The entire west wing was covered in feathers and cotton fluff, the hall looking like a snowy terrain. An idea flows into my head and a smirk grows on my lips. Lupus catches my expression and his face dreads in absolute worry. "Now, what does the mischievous princess have in mind now?" He mutters. I ignore his comment and plummet myself into the feathers, belly flopping myself on top of all the soft material and acting as if it were snow. Lupus yelps in surprise and reaches his hand out for me. "Gosh Princess, be more careful." He mumbles and I laugh. Rolling on my back, I look up at the ceiling and start making snow angels in the feathers.

Lupus chuckles and looks down at his watch. The clocks turn in his head as he calculates the time it would take to continue all his work and how much time he'd be able to spend with me. Smiling, he grins and lays down beside me, joining me while I made snow angels.

We gape up at the ceiling and look up at the beautiful paintings drawn on the ceiling. "It's amazing." I mumble, stopping the movement in my hands and legs. Lupus stops too and looks up. "It truly is." He adds. The paintings are mesmerising. Wolves of different colors, scattered across a beautiful land. My ancestors.

I chuckle. "Imagine if they were looking down on us right now, glaring at the mess we'd made." I imagine. Lupus scoffs. "We? Oh no princess, this is all you." He laughs. I give him a quick glare before looking back up at the ceiling. "They made it just after you were born." Lupus starts. "There was something drawn there before but they ended up covering it with that." He tells me, pointing up at the paintings. "Well it looks beautiful. I'm quite glad they did." I comment. Lupus quickly looks out the window and a gasp gets compressed in his throat. "Oh my god, princess! It's already dark." He shrieks, getting up and looking out the window.

I laugh at his behaviour and get up, walking over to join him. When I do, his head is resting against the window and his eyes are closed. My eyes furrowed in confusion and I brought my hand to his face, snapping my fingers to get his attention. His eyes dart open and I give him a confused look. He simply smiles and pulls me closer, pointing out into the night sky. "Look, Phoebe. A shooting star. You make a wish when you see one." I look up and see a streak of light shooting through the sky, trailing its bright glow along behind it.

I smile and feel giddy at the sight of it. Lupus laughs and squeezes my shoulder. "You know, when I die, I'll want to be a shooting star." He tells me. I chuckle at the thought. "Why?" I ask. "So I can travel along the skies and offer wishes to people like you." He explains, his index finger pressing against my nose. "And when I do, I'll come to you straight away." I smile and hug him tight, startling him with my actions. My eyes then linger onto something in the corner of the room. A wardrobe.  I quickly dash towards it and pull it open, revealing several pillows stacked on top of each other.

A grin paints over my face as I quickly grab one and run back to Lupus. He sees me as I dart towards him and he rolls his eyes and covers his face with both hands. "Oh gosh, not again." He mutters before I whack him once again with the soft pillow. We giggle and cover ourselves in feathers the entire day. Just Lupus and I.

But those will only be memories. I gape up into the sky, my eyes filling with tears and blurring my vision. I wipe them away as I get greeted with a burst of light. The sky erupts in billions of shooting stars, all darting in different directions. The dark, cloudy sky suddenly turns into a beautiful light show. I smile and watch as a huge streak of bright light comes ripping the sky. I chuckle as my eyes start to fill up with tears once again. I could practically hear Lupus whispering in my ear, "My princess."

I smile again, pushing my hands together and closing my eyes tight. "Hello Lupus," I murmur, not knowing what to say. "I'll see you again. One day." I say, looking back up into the sky as all the stars turn into bright, beautiful supernovas.

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