Chapter 10

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Chase POV

"Thanks for that." I say, sitting down next to Catherine. She looks at me and smiles, then reaches forward and wraps her fingers around her goblet. "I'm sorry about earlier today." I say. She takes a sip from her goblet and wipes her mouth. "Don't be. I understand. I was pushy." She tells me, stubbornness tinting her voice."I feel like I'm not in control anymore." I whisper. She turns around and faces me. "None of us are, I get you."

"I don't wanna lose control, Cath. You know what I can do." She smiles and draws her chair closer to mine, resting her hand on my shoulder. "You won't. I won't let you." I go tense as I slowly start to come up with an idea. "Catherine, I want you to promise me that if I lose control, you need to kill me." I tell her strictly. Her eyes grow wide and her eyes grow large. "Chase-"

"No Catherine, you must." I repeat sternly. She hesitates and moves back. She looks around the room and watches everyone having a nice time, dancing and laughing with each other. "Alright."

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"Hey, what was happening a while ago?" Nick asks, taking a seat beside me. "You weren't doing your job, that's what happened." I remark. He snickers. "Touchè"

"What were they asking you?" Catherine asked. "Stuff about Phoebe." I say, taking my goblet and drinking from it. "Speaking of, are you planning to turn her?" She asks. I laugh. "That's exactly what they were asking me." I take a sip out of my drink. "But are you?" She repeats. I think about it for a moment. "I don't know. I guess I have to." Nick moves in his seat uncomfortably and clears his throat.

"Ha, they still use these things." He says, pointing to my goblet. "Clichè, right?"

"I know. It feels so medieval." Catherine adds. "What's the whole idea about serving blood in goblets?" They complain. I laugh along with them, happy that they're happy.

I close my eyes and open them again, but I don't see Nick or Catherine. I don't see the hall filled with people. In fact, I don't see anything at all. But then a small light appears. Fire. I look down to my feet. I'm standing on water. A lake that travels throughout the entire area. I look back up as a light comes on from the very end of the horizon. Like the sun's excess light seeping through into the world. The fire is in the distance, growing larger and larger. A figure walks through it, her gown burnt to crisp. Mother.

She walks closer towards me. "Chase, I don't have much time but I must tell you something." She says. I open my mouth to speak but she simply raises her fingers to my lips, shushing me.

"You must wed Phoebe as fast as you can. You must be crowned king for there is something terrible about to happen between the vampires and werewolves. Chase, something terrible will happen." She explains, looking around and checking our surroundings. "Mother, what are you saying?" I ask."Chase, there is something bad happening in the castle. There's a mole. An insight. Do not trust anyone."And then she's gone.

"Anyway, Chase, you'll have to break some news about Phoebe sooner or later." Nick interrupts. I snap back out of my thoughts and look directly at him. I think about my mother, warning me. "You're right. I'll do it now." I say, determined. Nick stands up as well as me. "Wait, now?"

But I've already started. "Excuse me everyone. Can I have your attention?" The music stops and everyone turns to me. I think about what my mother said, I need to be king now.

"My mistress couldn't make it today. She's not from here and I want to give her time to settle. This next part may alarm some of you but I assure you not to worry." I explain. I look down at Nick who gives me a worried look. 'What are you doing?' He screams in my head.

"My mate is a werewolf. The princess." A few gasps come from around the room but I'm quick to address them. "But she is no harm. She comes with peace, which is what I want. I will crown her as my queen and I will create a bond between werewolves and vampires. There will be peace. And we will be safe." I quickly say. A few nods are visible while others are shocked. "This will take time but I assure you, I will continue with my father's intentions."

"But there's a small problem." I say. They turn their attention closer, listening to my speech.

"My mother came to me, just now" I say, looking directly at Catherine whose jaw had dropped. "There is a mole in our kingdom. Someone is going to betray us. Something bad is going to happen. I do not want to stress any of you, but from now on, the borders will be tight. There will be guards everywhere and we will-" Before I could finish, a hard slap had breached my cheek. I fall to the ground as a loud blaring scream assaults my ear. Nick runs towards me. "Chase, are you okay?" he asks, leaning over and resting his hand on my shoulder. The scream comes back, filling my ears. Phoebe.

I look over at Nick with worried eyes. "Phoebe. She's in trouble." 

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