Chapter 7

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Phoebe POV

"This is one of my favourite places to come to." I walk alongside Nick as a wave of small children run towards us. Vampires are all crowded together in some sort of market area. "Where exactly are we?" I ask Nick. "The one place that seems normal in this vampire world we live in." He replies.

"They call this the slums of Mount Verona. The poorest area with vampires. But actually, it's the prettiest." When he says pretty, it isn't like appearance or looks. The way he says it is like pretty means the only good thing left of this area. As if this place is the light for the rest. "A lot of vampire villagers live here. Markets and stuff like that. It's nice." He explains.

"How do you know Chase and the royal family?" I ask him. He takes a seat on the bench beside me. I watch as small children run around the grassy area, blowing bubbles from their large wands as their parents look over them. "I was born under their service. An omega." He replies. Like Lupus. "So you've been serving them your entire life?" I ask him, intrigued. "No. I only started when I was seventeen. Three years back." He replies. "What were you doing before that?" I ask him again. But he doesn't respond. Only making me more curious.

"How about you? You've got those things too, right? Omegas?" He asks me. "Yeah, I've got an omega. He's my best friend." I reply, smiling at the thought of Lupus in his black hoodie, looking not so formal and asking if he can assist me in any way.

"Best friend?" Nick asks, seemingly surprised. "I didn't really get out much. Felt like a vampire hiding away from the sun. Lupus was the only real person that I talked to." I explained. "You know, vampires aren't allergic to the sun like they say so." Nick smirks. "I kinda realised that. We technically are under the sun right now." I reply. "And it's a lot better cause darling, I do not want to see you in someone else's face." Oh yeah, that potion. I'd forgotten all about it.

"Speaking of, I should probably take it." I reach into my pocket and take out that purple vile. It was only a sip worth of potion in it, but I guess it would last. "Bottoms up." I mutter before opening it and taking one shot.

The taste was fowl. It was like metal seeping through my tongue, giving it pricks and tingles and it slid down my throat. Like I was drinking alcohol, burning everything it touched as it drove down into my stomach. "By the look on your face, I don't think it tastes at all that good." Nick remarks.

I glared up at him but before I could tell him to shut up, an ear bleeding shatter blares in the atmosphere, knocking the living hell out of me.

My hands find its way to my ears to block the sound out as my eyes close shut. When they open, Nick just stands there, looking at me worriedly. The children in the park are untouched as if they didn't hear a sound. "Are you okay?" Nick asks me. I look up to the sky to see a large black and red cloud seeping out from the castle. An entire floor looks trashed, the windows are broken open and the black smoke keeps coming out.

"What the hell is that?" I point towards it. Nick turns around and shakes his head. "That is his majesty having a tantrum." He snickers. "What do you mean? And didn't you hear that sound?" I ask him. "There was a clatter alright but I guess it affected you the most." He replies.

"It's either because you're a werewolf or because you're his mate. Or both, actually." He reasons. "Wait, Chase did that?" I ask, surprised. "Mhm. Chase did all of that. And that's just a little bit." He says, taking a bite from his banana. "But how? And why?" He sets his banana down and stands up. "Come, let's go." He walks over to the car and I follow him.

I sit inside, waiting for him to go back around to the front. When I hear the click of his door, I lean forward and open the small window in front of me, giving me a good view of the front of the car. "Tell me what the hell just happened." I demand him. "Chase probably just got mad or irritated and then lost control of himself. Actually, he probably did have it in control because it was only small." He replies, keeping his eyes on the road and steering the wheel towards the right. "Give me an explanation, Nick." I tell him rather strictly. I hear him sigh but give in. "Sit down and I'll explain everything." I smirk in victory and lean back into my seat, crossing my leg over the other and folding my arms over my chest.

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