Chapter 5

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Phoebe POV

I snuck up the castle stairs, passing by servants continuously asking me if I needed assistance. I shrugged then off politely, getting to my room as fast as I could. "My princess." Lupus stands at my door with his sleeves pulled up, glancing at his watch. I loved the way Lupus called me My princess. It's as if I held a special entitlement. 

"Lupus, hi." I walk up to him and heave out a long breath. "You're 38 seconds late, princess." He grins. This boy needs to let go of this goddamn watch. Out of all the men I've met, (not that there's much) he is the only boy that's still in his golden years that take so much care into time. If I were a 20 year old boy with looks like Lupus, I'd be out on the streets, hitting on girls and getting laid every night. Facts.

"Oh Lupus. Let go of your watch just for one day." I push past him and walk into my room. "You've got 4 minutes to get changed. I'll bring you down to East Wing to get everything else done." He shuts the door behind me and I drop down onto my bed, and glance at my wardrobe.

Inside hung a long body-con dress. It was black all throughout and displayed beautiful jewels near the neck part. "Oh gosh." I whisper. "Felix really outdid himself." I got out of my rags and stepped into the dress.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't me. I felt so enclosed. Yet it looked beautiful.

The edges hug my waist, embracing the small curves of my body. My skin's color bounces off the dress, making me look as pale as Chase or Nick.

When I open the door, I see Lupus leaning against the wall, counting the seconds on his watch. He turns around when he sees me. He opens his mouth but then gapes at me for a second, lost for words. "Princess-" He starts. "Is there something wrong? Is it too much?" I quickly ask.

"No. Nothing's wrong. You look beautiful." He stutters. "I haven't seen you all dressed up in so long." He smiles at me and drapes his arm around my shoulder. "You look happy." He whispers. "I'm glad that you are. You know, I love you like a sister." He smiles. He wore this black jacket that made his hair color bounce off of it. His hair was a light brown but it was never his natural color. I know his wolf was a dark raven so I assume that was his natural color. "I know Lupus, thank you."

He steps back and smiles again, looking at my dress as I twirl around.

"Felix really went overboard, you think?" I comment, looking down at my dress.

He laughs and takes my hand, dragging me towards the door. "Yeah. Yeah he did."

I can hear the laughs and muffled blabbering downstairs. All the guests and important people are down in the hall with Felix. My hair is tied into a complicated twist. There are several laces form the side of my head, forming down into the centre into a plaited bun. The lower bits stay stray, laying loose. It feels so not me. But in a nice way.

I walk down the steps and into the hall. The loud talking and laughter dies down as I slowly enter the room. Small whispers can be heard from where I stand, but people still continue to speak as if I wouldn't notice. "She looks so much like her mother." "Haven't seen her in years." "I hear she died and got revived." Stupid people. "Ah! The talk of the town is here!" Felix gets up from his seats and walks towards me. "Hey, little sis." He whispers as he stands near me. His platinum blonde hair shines off of him. It's styled into separate strands, creating a wet and gel-like look to it. He looks so much like my father. Our father. "I'm glad you came." He says, kind of shocked, as if he had a feeling I wouldn't come. "Me too." I whisper.

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Felix stands up from his seat, attracting a lot of attention in the room. I look up at him, questioning what he's about to do. The entire table turns their attention to him, stopping their conversations to see what the Alpha has to say. Sometimes I wish I was more ordinary. If I were luna, everyone's eyes would be on me, watching my every move and decision. He glances down at me and smiles. He picks up his glass and a knife, clinking them together to get everyone's attention. He clears his throat and starts to speak. "Could I please have everyone's attention?" He asks.

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