Chapter 12

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Chase POV

"You're smiley today." I tell her as she slowly approaches me. I watch her walk down the stairs of the cabin house, her hair moving from side to side as she descends on the steps. When she reaches the bottom, she runs forward to me, crashing her body against mine. Her arms circle my neck, holding on to me as if she won't ever let go. "Geez girl." I say in surprise.

She leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips. It's sweet and short but just enough to make my mind shortcut. "I missed you." She pouts. "Darling, I saw you five minutes ago." She laughs in response. Nick closes the door to the cabin and slowly makes his way down, slower than Phoebe, catching on our moment. "I'm glad you finally see us as what we are." I tell her. She looks up at me, confused. "A couple. True mates. Destined to be together." I fill in. She smiles again and leans forward, my nose touching hers. "'I was born to be with you."

When we're in the car, I look out into the distance. Nick fixed up the car so we can finally see outside. I suddenly don't feel so blind anymore. I look over at Phoebe who's looking out her window, watching as the trees we pass quickly move by as the car moves faster. I lean over and lay my hand over her lap. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

She turns her gaze from the window to me. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"After what happened yesterday." I reply, quietly. Her face drops down, revealing an unreadable expression. "I was scared. But you were there. So I'm okay." She explains. "I should've helped you sooner. Before that monster got to you I started to ramble, kicking myself. "Chase, you already helped me. I'm okay, see?" She motions to herself, looking down at her body. I smile and move over, bringing her body closer to mine. Her head lays on my lap as I stroke her hair. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you quicker."

The car stops a few moments later and I hear the click of a door as Nick steps out. He knocks on our door before opening it. "Your highnesses, You're welcome to stay here while I scavenge the area for any intruders. Right now, it should be safe." A few guards from behind him go around, arming the car. "Thank you, Nick." He takes off his black sunglasses and looks down at us before shouting to the guards, "Let's go!" Then shutting the door behind him.

When he leaves, I turn my attention to Phoebe. "I have a lot to talk to you about." I tell her. She moves off my lap and sits up. "What's wrong?"

"Phoebe, there are a lot of things wrong." I smile weakly, tracing my thumb over the back of her hand. "Phoebe, my mother came to me in a vision last night. She promised me that when she passed, she'd visit me in my dreams, but this one, it was a nightmare." I start.

"She warned me that I needed to wed you as soon as possible. There needed to be a king because the vampires must prepare as something terrible would happen. I'm not quite sure what but there is. There's a mole in the castle. An inside. Someone spying on us and giving information to other people, putting us all in danger. I think that's what those people in black cloaks were doing in the white witches clan. They were black witches. And I fear that they will do the same thing they did to them, to us."She shakes her head in disbelief. "Who? And who are they giving the information to? What information?" She asks.

"I don't know, my love. I'm sorry I cannot answer your question right now. I do not know. I just know that we must do as my mother says. The vampire clan needs a king. I need to be crowned king before this terrible thing happens. Then I can make proper instructions." I alert.

She nods in agreement then looks at me dead in the eyes. "Then let's get married tomorrow night."

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"I need guards over the border 24/7. When you're changing shifts, make sure there is always someone at the border. The guard on the shift stays and waits for his replacement to meet him at the border. Do not move from your spot, do you understand?" I instruct. They nod their heads in agreement. "You're all dismissed." The guards get up from their seats and head out the door for their next shift. "That's the last batch, how many did we do?" Nick asks me. "There's four batches in total. We've just used up 4 hours of our time. We need to get to work." I sigh.

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