Chapter 29

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Chase POV

Leaning against the cold wall once again. My hands, pressed against the window's edge while I stare out at the once beautiful city called Mount Verona. The now evacuated city with empty houses that people have left, unsure whether they'd return or not. Guards sprawl all around the city, marching down streets with their long battens that reach up to the roof of homes. I never wanted any of this.

The Black Witches, or whatever that thing was in the forest, had retrieved and vanished away before they could reach our border. Thinking back to that particular day, I now realise that it was probably just a hoax. Felix, marching into my caste with to particular invitation with all my guards scattered along the border, leaving the castle wide open for him to come in. I'm so stupid. Felix has been on my mind lately, he'd been lingering around, making my mind go insane. I don't know if I want to believe him. I don't know if I want to believe that there's something more powerful coming for us. I don't know if I want to be king.

"Your Highness," several guards portray their presence beside me, knocking my thoughts out of my head and bringing my attention to them. There are three, two on each side of one with a large banner in his hand. The two guards on the end bow before turning in synchronisation before marching out of the hall. They walk all the way down before turning a corner, leaving my view. My gaze then eventually turns back to the guard standing in front of me while I run my hands through the blue hair. "Yes?" I then say after some time of silence. 

The guard looks around, worriedly. His body language is awkward and I can tell he's shaking. "My King, we have some disturbing news." he then stutters out. I nod for him to continue. "Well you see, umm-" He tries to say but the words leave his mouth, unbearingly. "Go on." I say, sternly. He looks down and nods, taking a few deep breaths. When his head lifts back up, he speaks words that make my blood boil. "The Queen is missing."

My eyes widen and my hands balled into fists, my knuckles glowing white. My fingernails dig into my skin and leave marks on my palms, bleeding small drops of blood. My jaw twitches and I can feel my body start to tense. "What do you mean?" I say, quietly but stern. The guard in front of me starts to panic, sweating and his face going red. "Well, you see we were-" But I cut him off. "How could you leave her out of your sight!?" My voice bellows in a dark tone. My dark aura starts to seep out and surround my figure, making the guard step back. My eyes burn and I can feel my adrenaline starting to pump. "She wasn't in her room and her last location was unknown." He then manages to say.

Last location, Unknown.

"I will burn this city apart. I will kill every vampire in Mount Verona, just so I can kill you. And I will start with that little Queen of yours." Oh god, Phoebe.

"Umm..Your highness?" The guard stutters, starting to approach me. My eyes widen in fear. Phoebes in trouble. "What have you done!?" I yell at him, causing him to step back. "Our Queen is in danger!" I can feel the rage at the tip of my fingers, wanting to feed on its prey. "Your majesty, we already have troops scattered around Mount Verona searching for her. She shouldn't have gotten far." He tries to explain but I let out a dark laugh. "I don't think you understand what is happening right now." His back hits the wall and I can see the fear in his expression. "Your Majesty-" But before another word comes out of his mouth, I stop him.

Because I strut forward, and claw my hands into his throat.

My fingers seep deep into his neck, gripping on his throat and anything else I can get my hands on. He chokes and blood seeps out of his mouth, getting all over my hands and shirt. He gags before his body weight sinks downwards, indicating the loss of life in his body. My hand rips out of his neck, gripping onto bloody parts of his insides. He falls down to the ground, a pool of blood seeping out of his body and surrounding his figure.

I stand there, perplexed and rigid with terror. "What have I done?" I mumble. My fingers loosen and I drop whatever the hell I ripped out of him and let it splatter onto the floor. I stare at his lifeless body, laying right in front of me. I let my power take over my senses. And I killed one of my men.

Catherine's humming fills the hall as her footsteps start to near. Her soft tune of singing fills my ear and I suddenly have the urge to crawl up into a ball and hide. When she sees me, her gaze travels between my figure and the corpse lying in front of me. Her hands clasp her mouth and she holds back a scream. "Oh my god." I hear her mutter. "Holy shit, Chase. What have you done?" She screams quietly, running towards me and crouching down to the guard on the ground. I follow her presence and sit down beside her, burying my head in my hands while they dig into my hair. My elbows poke into my thighs, holding them up while I bring out a muffled yell. "I'm a monster, Catherine." I tell her.

She averts her gaze towards me and lays her palm on my back. "Chase, you are not a monster." She whispers. "I just killed a fucking guard!" I then yell, causing her to tense and bring her arm back to her side. "I'm sorry," I murmur. "I'm just- I don't think I can do this anymore." Catherine leans closer and lays her head on my shoulder. "Phoebe is in trouble, Cath. Someone is out to get her. Whoever was corrupting Felix is going to kill her and she's missing. Catherine, what if she's already dead?" I choke. Catherine rubs my back and buries her face into my neck. "We'll find her, I promise you, she's okay." She reassures me. I let out a long sigh. "Cath, I don't think I can be king anymore." I whisper to her. Her head shoots up and she quickly looks me in the eye. "What do you mean, Chase?" She quickly asks.

"Catherine, look at me. I can't run a kingdom. I'm not like that. My power, it's too powerful for a position like this. Look what I've done!" I say, motioning to the dead body in front of us. "I killed him." I murmur. Catherine looks over at the guard and then to me again. "I don't think this is right for you either, Chase." She smiles weakly but her eyes glimmer. "Maybe you should take off from the throne. I'll be happy to take over for you. In fact, maybe you should take a break now." She says with a foreign tone to her voice. I shake my head. "Not now, I need to find Phoebe." 

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