Chapter 36

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Phoebe POV

The stench of dust clogs my nose, causing it to scrunch as my eyes start to open. Rocks and dirt surround my body that lays down on the soiled ground. My body, coated in brown specks of dust from the landslide. I'd landed in some sort of cave, one side blocked off with large rocks and boulders while the other side was a long tunnel that grew darker and darker. I started to get up, walking towards the blocked tunnel to my right. My legs were shaking and numb but I fought my way up. The rocks were heavily sealed and were impossible to move out while the other side was completely dark, it would take me ages to find my way out. But I had to try something.

My left hands started to slip off the rocks that blocked my entrance to slowly move towards the vacant tunnel. But before I could move further into the dark tunnel, muffled voices came from the opposite side of the rocks. I knew that voice. "Nick!" I immediately started to yell, both my hands pressed on the huge rocks. Movement could be sensed from the opposite end, nearing closer towards me. "Phoebe? Is that you?" Nick's voice washed a wave of reassurance on me, making me weigh a relieved sigh. "Yes! Nick I'm here!" I yelled back. "Is Chase with you?" I add after some time of silence.

"Yeah, he's here but he's not conscious. His head landed on a rock and-" He stops, barely choking on his words. The reassurance from earlier had drained off and had been replaced with dread and worry. Not conscious. Rock to the head. "He'll be fine, Phoebe. I'll help him." he reassures, sensing my terror. I slowly nod, knowing he won't be able to see me. "Is there a way out on your end?" he asks me. I turn back to the dark tunnel behind me and nod again. "Yes but it's pitch black. I don't think I can go through." I respond. He swears underneath his breath. "Okay, umm, we're completely blocked. Just stay there, okay? Don't go through the tunnel." He instructs me. "I'll try to get Chase up so he can help us get out of here." He adds.

My eyes wander around the rocks that blocked me from Nick and Chase. They were all sealed and there was absolutely no way for me to get out. Damnit. "Phoebe," Nick starts. "We're going to be okay." He tells me in a reassuring tone that makes me believe that we're gonna find a way to get out of here. The sound of two hands being clapped together fills my ears from behind me and my attention quickly averts from Nick to the noise. I turn around, swift and cleanly. My hair spins in the air and lands on my left shoulder. My gaze meets a dark pair of eyes, a tall figure with a black robe covering its body while it's face wears a grim, smug smile. Catherine.

She claps slow and lowly, strutting towards me as my back presses against the rocks. "Chase and Nick, always to the rescue." She says, deep and husky that sends a nerve down my spine, causing me to shiver all over. Her expression shifts, making her face more welcoming and soft. Her smirk drops, replacing it with a weak frown.

She steps forward, and for some reason, my body doesn't fight back. Her hand trails up, tracing her fingers against my arm and I let her. My body responds in a giggly way, feeling soft at her touch. "Phoebe," She starts. "Don't you feel our connection?" She whimpers. I look at her, side-eyed with my head tilted. I slowly shake my head in denial. "There's no connection between us, Catherine." I manage to stutter out, pulling my arm away from her.

Her face grows weaker as a wash of disappointment grows over her. "I just thought," She stops, searching for the right words. "I felt like we had some sort of connection." She whispers, disappointed. "I thought we could do this, together." She adds, looking up at me with her eyes glistening. She gives up, her shoulders sagging downwards. "Phoebe, I don't want to give up on this." She manages to stutter out. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, tilting my head as I stare at her. This bitch was trying to kill me.

She holds her hands out and reaches for mine, gripping on them dangerously hard. "Phoebe, look at our leaders." She reasons, talking about Felix and Chase. "Just look at them now. They were never born for this." She explains to me, shaking my arms and looking at me hopefully. "We were born for this." She tells me. I take in her reasons, looking at her sincerely while trying to seep into Chase's mind. 'Chase, wake up!' I practically scream.

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