Chapter 18

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Chase POV

I sat on a bar stool along the huge hall that had been reserved for me. The entire convention was closed just for this and the other guests were booted outside to the common area so I could have an entire ballroom for one dinner. With my hand in my hair, I let out a long sigh that draws onto my drink, rippling the liquid along its cup. Phoebe should be here very soon, Lupus is bringing her here. After the suspicion that crossed my mind the other day, I'm not letting Nick out of my sight nor am I letting him take hold of Phoebe alone.

I know it's terrible of me to think that maybe Nick could be evil enough to come up with something like this. I mean, he is Nick. He's caring and immature. He doesn't know the difference between his right or left and is still being a teenager. And even if it is Nick, I don't think I'm ever going to accept the fact that it was.

The voices outside in the common area start to pick up with ruffled sounds and murmurs.

Phoebe must have arrived. I walk over to the door and lean my ear against it."Son, go talk to the queen!" "No. That's just embarrassing." "How do you think we'll get any higher? Talk to her so you can get married." Tssk. Everyone's so hungry for the throne. The power. The fact that they're actually trying to get with Phoebe surprises me. The woman just got married 3 days ago.

The door opposite me swings open. A few guards enter and align the area. Lupus then steps out from behind them with Phoebe beside him. "Your highness." Lupus bows. I laugh at him and ruffle his hair. "You're crazy. We don't do that bowing stuff here." I tell him as he stands up. He smiles and looks around, taking in the entire place. Phoebe looks dazzled too. Her eyes shimmer underneath the tall cycling chandeliers as she looks up at the ceiling paintings of angels dancing around in the sky. "It's pretty, isn't it?" I say, bringing her closer towards me. She keeps her gaze on the ceiling for a while then breaks it, turning it down to me. "It's beautiful." She mumbles. Lupus had disappeared along with the guards, only two stood by the glass windows to the balcony.

"It truly is. Nick actually got everything planned. Pretty cool, hey?" I tell her. She nods. "Nick does have some really nice taste."

"Where is Nick, though?" She asks me. "He's outside there in the common area. Mingling with the folks." I explain. I considered telling her my suspicions about Nick but that'll just put more pressure on her. Either way, it'll pass. But I know I'm definitely not telling her about the encounter Felix and I had. "This is too fancy for me." She tells me, looking around at all the different features engraved on the walls. "All of this for one night and one night only?" She asks me.I tighten my hands that circle around her and lay my head on her shoulder in a warm hug. Breathing in the scent of her neck, I snuggle deeper into its crook.I whisper, "Only for you."

"Oh you're so corny." She whines and wriggles herself out of my embrace but I only hold her closer. I pull back and lean forward, resting my lips over hers. "What are you thinking about?" She asks me. I look into her eyes before replying, "I'm picturing you as a wolf right now." She smiles. "I make a pretty hot werewolf if you ask me." She retorts. "I'll show you one day." I open my mouth to reply but instead, she snuggles her head into my neck. But then something feels wrong.

My body tenses as I feel a storm coming. But not the type that brings rain and hail.

This was different.

My arms tightened around Phoebe, crushing her against me. My muscles tensing underneath my clothes into a protective hold over her. I looked around and met eyes with the guards, signalling for them to get more people. Phoebe slightly winces in pain and shifts herself uncomfortably. I then realise I'm hurting her. "Chase?" She asks me, placing her hand on the side of my face and tilting it so I face her.

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