"Can she stay?"

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I started to get overwhelmed with confusion and shock as I was bomboarded with question after queston from the CreepyPastas. But I was also happy; they were all so nice. And they seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say; it was an entirely different environment. As the shock wore off I was able to take in my surroundings more; I was in a ginormous living space, with pale walls and fifteen foot ceilings. There was a long leather sofa in the center, on either side of that was a matching recliner and loveseat, and on the wall was a giant flat screen tv, with a cable box and dvd player. In one corner there were shelves that housed a massive dvd collection, and against one wall was a big, beautifully carved oak fireplace with a cheerfully cackling fire. Paintings of various nature scenes decorated the walls. "Those are lovely," I remarked, pointing at them.

"Th-they were S-slender's idea," said Toby. His face ticced a few times.

"Well, he has exquisite taste in artwork," I replied. Slender gave a deep laugh. Thank you, Miss Phoenix. I do enjoy the beauty of nature. I noticed he was still struggling to hold on to Smile's leash, and Eyeless Jack took over. My face turned red.

"So um...I was wondering...if it's not too much to ask...is it possible that I could..."

The door flew open with a bang before I could finish and Jeff walked in. He saw me and a big smile lit his face. "Phoenix!"

"Hi, Jeff!" I said happily. He ran over and we held each other for a few moments.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he said, burying his face in my shoulder before breaking the hug and standing beside me.

I got a good look at the girl who walked in behind Jeff; she was about my height, skinny, with long brown hair. She was wearing a plain white tanktop, a coat with a faux fur hood, grey skinny jeans, and black boots. I noticed that she had stitches on either side of her mouth in the form of a smile. But what really got me were her eyes. One was normal, with a bright green iris. The other one was the face from what looked like a pocketwatch. 

She walked up to me curiously, examining me from head to toe, then she started poking me in the sides and stomach. I laughed; I couldn't help it. I was ticklish all over.

"Don't worry, she always does that when she meets a new person," said Jeff, noticing my curious glance his way. When the girl was done examining me, she held out her hand. "So you're the girl Jeff's been talking about."

"He has?" I said, looking at Jeff again; he turned away to hide his embarassment. Facing the girl again, I took her hand and shook it. "Hi, I'm Phoenix."

"I'm Natalie, but don't ever call me that. Call me Clockwork," she said. She smiled and went to stand beside Toby, who gave her a loving look as he put his arm around her.

"Ticciwork!" I blurted. Clockwork laughed.

"Everyone calls us that," she said. Toby nodded in aggreement.

What were you saying before Jeff barged in, Miss Phoenix? asked Slender. I turned red again.

"Oh yeah, that. Well, um...you're all really nice, and I hate to force my company on you guys when I might not be wanted...but I was wondering if I could stay. I don't have anywhere else to go, and I can't go back to the group home. I...I just cant...I'm sorry." I seemed to shrink.

"Where are your parents?" asked Laughing Jack.

"They're dead," I answered, hearing my voice crack. Jeff put his arm around me and I saw him glare at LJ before turning to Slender and saying "Tell her what you told me earlier, Slendy." I looked at him curiously.

Before you passed out, Miss Phoenix, you did in fact manage to transfer some images to me. I must say, I was horrified. Jeffrey was there to witness this incident also, and he has informed me quite firmly that he does not wish for you to return there. After what I've seen, I can't say I blame him. You are invited to stay, if you wish.

"So will you stay?" asked Eyeless, and everyone chorused "stay, stay!"

"I'd love to," I said, smiling while tears ran down my face. At these words, Sally jumped in the air. 

"Yay, I get a new playmate!" she said.

Smile broke free of his leash and ran towards me, knocking me to the ground and giving me big wet doggy kisses. I couldn't stop giggling. "Easy Smile! Easy! Down boy, down!" Jeff eventually pulled Smile off me and Sally stood over me smiling as i got off the floor. Suddenly she stopped and pointed at me. "She looks like Jeff! Look at her face!"

I wanted to sink through the floor as everyone stared at me again, trying to get a closer look at my scars. Slender came over, bent down to my height, and started stroking them with his fingers just as Jeff did all those months ago. Where did these come from, Miss Phoenix?

I couldn't help it, I broke down sobbing. "I was depressed and used to take it out on myself," I said. "I wanted to smile. I didn't do it to look like Jeff, believe me. I just wanted to be happy." Jeff held me again until my sobs resided. When I was calm I faced the group again.

Clockwork came up and looked at my scars. "I like them," she said. "You've really made them look like a smile. Don't worry, no one judges here." She gave me a hug.

They make you unique, Miss Phoenix, said Slender. They're different...as is your eye color. If I may ask, is it natural?

"My eye color?" I said. "Yes, I was born with it. Completely natural." I noticed Jeff staring at me oddly. "What?"

"Could you come with me please?" he asked. I glanced at Slender, who nodded, then followed Jeff into what I assumed was his bedroom


I sat down on my bed across from Phoenix and faced her. "Why didn't you tell me those scars were from you being depressed?"

.She seemed suprised at my concern. "I thought you'd only like me because I was scarred like you and not really pay attention to the reason behind the scarring. I didn't really think you would care that I was depressed."

I sighed and folded her in my arms again. "Of course I care that you were depressed Phoenix, because I am too. And you were always beautiful to me. It doesn't matter if you have scars."

She sighed happily against me and I smiled, but my insides were churning becuase I was falling deeper and deeper in love with her at each passing minute

Loved By a Killer - A JTK Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now