Chapter Four: Discovering

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I was talking to my mom about Mark and Destiny. I was also telling her about Youtube and that kinda stuff, she doesn't care that I have an account, I just can't post any videos. And now she doesn't limit my music anymore which is swagtastic.

"Mark... what's his last name?" mom asks me.

"His name is Mark Fischbach." i reply.

"That name sounds a lot familiar... Let me look in my archives..."

Mom considers any photo album or something relating to our family as an 'archive'. I have no idea why, ask her!

"Fisch...bach....hmmm..." my mom said to herself while looking through our gigantic family photo album. there are pictures from when my parents were kids.

"Mom? What are you doing..." I ask her.

"I swear I've heard that name... Did he live in Cincinnati at some time in his life?"

"Actually yes, he recently moved over to L.A. about 6 months ago I believe."

"Oh here it is!" mom says happily.

"Mom..." I say worriedly, "What is it?"

"His dad was my cousin! You and Mark are second cousins!"

"!!!!!!!" I say happily, while hugging her, "This is the best day of my life!"

"Haha... want me to see if we can go to L.A. sometime? I mean, we do live in Newburgh, Indiana so Ya know, it's not that long of a flight. And with Jerry's job... we could move there."

"Really!? Can we move there? You should let me live there! He has a girlfriend and they together probably make a good income every month..."

"Well, that would be up to him. I honestly don't care..." she says.

I know why she doesn't care. Because I was a mistake.

~Flashback to when Zara was 8~

I had overheard my mom and dad talking about me in their bedroom. It sounded kind of bad.

"Ugh I don't like having a girl..." mom said.

"but honey... I have always wanted a girl and a boy. come on. keep her..." dad said.

"alright. only because you convinced me."

At that point in time, I had just realized I was a mistake and should not of been born.

~Present Time~

As I was done remembering that horrible memory, I realized mom was trying to talk to me.

"Jerry said that we can go to LA for about a week and a half because they have a job offering up for him there. also Blake is moving out. He just told me this today. He wants to move in with this new girlfriend.... I forget her name..."

"Yay! thanks mom. and tell Jerry i said thanks as well." I regret saying that.

I hurried up to my room because I had to tell Logan this news. As I was texting him this mess, I got two texts. One from him, one from mom.

Mom: And were leaving in two days.

Me: ok.

Now to check Logan's text.

Logan: Hey... I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you. I never really liked you. I was just leading you on. bye bye.

Well shit on my dick.

I hate you logan.

Die in a hole.

Im going to come to your house while you sleep and cut open your stomach then play jump rope with your intestines.

Actually, never mind on that one.


Okay. I can't stand being alone so now I want to live with Mark even more.

Logan is a douche nozzle.

I texted mom.

Me: Hey mom... Logan broke up with me. Can we please just move to LA?

Mom: Awe I'm sorry. and I was just going to tell you. Jerry decided to take the offer and said you can live with Mark if he allows. Now pack up. We're leaving at 4 AM tomorrow.

me: Alright.

As I was packing, I was thinking of scenarios that could possibly play out when we arrived at Marks house. Mom knew where he lived because his mom kept in touch with her.

Mom: here's the layout of the plan. marks mom said that we can go out to eat when we arrive in LA. She is going to pick us up from the airport, since she is staying with Mark for about a week. After we dine, she is going to take us to his house because she told him that some relatives are coming So, you're going to meet his mom before you meet him. Unless he decides to take Destiny out to eat with us. He probably will.

Me: Cool. gtg and pack.

I'm so excited. I am related to the Markiplier!

Authors note~

How does it feel to have a long chapter? and how would you feel if you were cousins with Mark? I'd probably die. Have fun waiting for the next chapter because I have to think it out, this literally came to me about an hour ago.

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