Chapter 12: Downward Spiral

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Destiny's POV

It's been about a week since Zara was reported missing and police haven't found ANYTHING! They keep telling us that they're doing everything they can but they haven't found anything yet. I also saw online that if a crime cannot be solved within the first 48 hours, either the victim (kidnapping and other crimes like that) will be dead and the suspect will roam free. Now that's scaring me since Zara has been gone for a week. Mark and I are creating some posters and flyers to hang up and hand out to people just incase they've seen Zara. I don't think that it was Jerry as Mark said. For two reasons: 1) he's her stepfather 2) he obviously wouldn't do anything like this, he's too nice and charming. Not a psycho killer who rapes girls, ya know? Ugh, Mark's blaming himself because he believes very VERY strongly that Jerry did it because Zara said he raped her, but I'm not saying I don't believe her, it's just she could be telling the truth but it wasn't him who did it. Mark's all like 'I should of reported it' or 'I should of believed her and we could of told the police' and shiz like that. I am trying to comfort him as much as possible but it's really hard because he's just, him.

Marks POV

I-I can't believe shes... gone. I mean, I know I don't have a child, but she's like one of my own! She's my goddamn cousin and now she's gone... Will this reflect on my parenting if I do have a child? What the hell... it's my fault. I'm killing myself over this. I really hope she gets back. Safe. Dammit, Mark! Why didn't I tell the freaking police! Sh-She told me that I was her inspiration, the reason she kept on living. That really hit me. Hard. I just can't comprehend that people actually are sad in this world.... I've never been... depressed like this before. The only time I was really ever sad in my lifetime was back when my Dad had cancer and I was getting my appendix out and that fist-sized tumor I had in my stomach (I apologize if this info is wrong, I'll provide his Draw My Life video to learn more) She's only been gone for a goddamn week and I am feeling these unknown feelings of sorrow, mourning, and depression. I-I understand now... I can't really go on knowing this was my fault. Mark, it wasn't your fault. Yes it was! I should be feeling this way. No it wasn't, stop killing your goddamn self over this shit! She'll be fine. No she won't. He could be hurting her right now and you're sitting here telling me that it's fine? This is just a downward spiral of pain, regret, sorrow, and sadness.

Authors Note:

I apologize for making you wait so long. My family and I are going down to Florida for my Uncles wedding so we had to fill out this stupid 'family vacation form.' *says that <-- in stupid voice* I am also sorry for a sadder chapter, this book is just falling apart for me and I feel I shouldn't continue it. Well, vote if you like it, comment if you are actually not lazy for once *sarcasm* and thanks for your support guys, it's really helping. Especially Atomic-Kitty for talking to me about my... problems.


Kaitlyn Peace (≧≦)


As of now, I cannot find his draw my life video so you're going to have to look it up, sorry.

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