Prologue: Let the Games begin

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Have you ever been bored of life? Have you ever wished for life to become more entertaining? If so, would you care to join us for a game?

The rules are simple really~ Participate in our game of... "chess"~ You know how it works, right? Try to get the other side's king~

Succeed and we will grant you your biggest wish~! Lose and... well, it'll be game over for you~


"Get out of the house! No one needs someone like you in the family if all you do is making music!", a female voice shouted as she threw a vase next to the wall where a raven-haired male was standing.

The ravenette didn't say anything as he only wiped the blood away from his cheek which was grazed from the shards.

"Alright. I will go away and you will never see me again. Have fun explaining on why your son won't work what you want him to.", he said as he ignored the gasp coming from her.

"Soraru! Get back right here, you—", before she could finish her sentence, the raven-haired male had already closed the door loudly behind him, leaving his mother behind.

Once he was alone, the raven-haired male sighed loudly as he walked through the streets with nothing but his headphones and his phone still with him. He had left the house so quickly after the fight that he wasn't able to pack anything.

Now he had to think of where he'd stay and how he would get his money to survive. Thinking about how troublesome it would be from now on, Soraru couldn't help but sigh once again.

But did he regret speaking up and telling his mother his opinion? No. He never did. He wanted to pursue music and not medicine.

And if his parents wouldn't accept that, Soraru had no more reason to stay there.

Even so, he still couldn't help but wonder how his life would go on from here on out.

Before he could even think about it any longer though, he felt a sharp pain in his head as he quickly placed his hand on his head, trying to hold himself together.

"Must suck to get abandoned by your parents, right?", a young, childish voice asked in a mocking tone as Soraru couldn't help but feel annoyed by it.

"Shut up. Just leave me alone.", Soraru hissed as the voice only laughed at that. "No can do~ Hey, you don't know what to do with your life right now, am I right? Being abandoned by your family and having nowhere to go without any money.", they said.

"What about it? I don't get any of this and I just want you to get out of my head. So be quick and answer me this: What do you want from me?", Soraru asked as he tried to not let the headache get over him.

"What I want? I want you to participate in a small game of mine~ A game called... "chess"~", the voice answered him.

"Chess? Why would you want me to participate in that? Got no friends to play it with?", Soraru asked as the voice gasped in fake hurt.

"How dare you say that?! I have plenty friends! But back to the point, I want you to participate in a special kind of chess! If you win, I will grant you any wish~ It can be any wish, I can fulfill it!", the voice exclaimed.

"Any wish? Isn't that impossible?", Soraru asked as he raised his eyebrow in suspicion. "I don't know but I'm talking to you and giving you a headache now so what do you think?", they asked back.

"Ok, let's assume that what you say is true and I do want to participate in your game. What would happen if I lose?", Soraru asked.

"Well... then it's game over for you~ But what do you even have to lose? You have no life purposes right now anyway and nowhere to go.", they reminded the raven-haired male who could only sigh once again after hearing that.

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