Chapter 12: From Season to Season

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It had been a while ever since Luz and Mafumafu had become friends. And it was not like the albino didn't like the taller male. Really not.

In fact, Mafumafu enjoyed spending time with the light-haired male. It was just...

"Mafu-kun! Do you want to go to the coffee shop I found in Wonderland?"

"Mafu-kun! Oz said there was an attraction we could go to!"

"Mafu-kun! Do you want to go sing together?"


When Mafumafu had to spend time with Luz almost every single minute, even for him it was a bit much.

But whenever the taller male would actually notice, he'd frown and always tell him that he could leave him alone for a while as well if he wanted to.

And Mafumafu would feel bad so in the end, he could only shake his head and assure the taller male that it was fine.

The albino was just staring up to the sky from his balcony, alone in his room as he thought about a certain raven-haired male.

Even now, he still didn't get how that mind of Soraru worked and how he came to the conclusion that saving Mafumafu was a good idea.

But even so, the albino was still really grateful. Because there was a wish that he wanted to fulfill no matter what. A wish that—

"Mafu-kun? What are you doing?", someone asked as the albino looked from the sky, down to see a familiar light-haired male standing there.

"Ah, Luz-kun! I was just spacing out.", Mafumafu said as he other male hummed. "I see. Well, I will continue to let you do that then.", Luz said with a small smile.

Even though the light-haired male was always the one who invited the albino, Luz still knew that he shouldn't ask too often.

After all, Mafumafu was different than Nqrse. Mafumafu wouldn't mind spending some time alone while Nqrse was the one who constantly asked Luz in the past to hang out with him.

It's just that Luz always felt happy whenever Nqrse had asked him in the past. So he thought, Mafumafu might be the same.

He did feel a little bit lonely being all alone, not knowing what to do with his free time. But he completely understood that every person was different and that Mafumafu would probably appreciate some alone time.

"I'll see you then, Mafu-kun.", Luz said as he bowed before he turned to leave. However, Mafumafu's next words stopped him as he was surprised by them as the other male never asked him because he always asked.

"Ah, wait, Luz-kun! If you don't mind, would you like to spend some time together?", Mafumafu suggested as the taller male looked at him in slight surprise before a soft smile settled on his face.

"I'd be honored to."


"And how is it going with your game, Oz?", a blond male asked as the said male hummed a bit before answering.

"Everything went smoothly I guess~", the younger male said as he played with the straw in his drink. "...Really? Why are you looking so down then?", Alice asked, making the latter flinch.

Just as expected of Alice to figure him out once again.

"Because... of stuff.", Oz answered as he blew his bangs up. "Stuff? What stuff?", Alice asked as he helped the younger male adjust his hair again before noticing something.

"Your hair color... I never noticed that you colored it.", Alice said as the younger male tilted his head. "The roots are dark. Black I think?", Alice said as he squinted his eyes, not being able to see much from afar.

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