Chapter 11: Survival Game

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The weather was warm with the blue sky and bright sun standing above them, only a few clouds being up there.

It was the perfect weather to spend their time outside and with that the perfect time to play a nice survival game.

It had been a while ever since Urata had been playing this kind of game but he would be lying if he said he didn't look forward to it.

Up till now, this was probably his favorite game, being able to move around so much in an environment like this and a familiar gun in his hand. The brunet had been playing a lot of survival games in the past, finding fun in running around in a forest and letting out all of his pent up anger through a game without hurting anyone.

And he would usually have nothing to worry about when playing games because he was always prepared whenever any opponents would shoot at him, in this case Akane and Okami, he would be able to dodge.

So usually it would have been no problem. Usually. But this time, he had something which might give him a bit of trouble.

The brunet stood there with a deadpan expression as he watched a redhead shooting his gun aimlessly, sighing as he dodged the several paint bullets for the nth time in five minutes.

"You... how the fu— how do you even manage to suck this much? You do know that you're not allowed to shoot at other participants, right?!", Urata asked in disbelief as he watched how the younger male looked like he was being pulled along by the gun instead of controlling it.

"I can't help it! This gun is so heavyyy!", Sakata whined as he tried to keep his balance with the heavy gun which had many slots, making him able to shoot many bullets at the same time.

"Those four beautiful words which I always get to say whenever I spend time with you.", Urata started. "Noooo, don't say the—"

"I TOLD YOU SO! Listen to me for one god damn time! I told you that it wasn't a good idea for a beginner to choose a machine gun. It may shoot several bullets at once but it loses many bullets and an idiot like you doesn't know how to control it!", Urata said before he sighed loudly.

"Waaaaah, I'm sorry, Urata-san! I thought it looked cool and could attack my doppelgänger easier!", Sakata cried out as he tried his best to bring the gun back up to him.

Urata merely sighed once again before breathing out loudly and calming down. "Whatever. Let's just use this time to make you learn some basics so you won't fail miserably.", the older male said as he took a pistol out.

They were lucky that they got some time to get adjusted to the forest and learn to somehow use the guns they had chosen. Or else there was no way, Sakata could even have a chance to control his gun.

"Listen, the thing beginners like you always do wrong is that you just charge in without giving anything any thought.

Think before you do something.", Urata said as the younger male nodded. "Got it!"

"Like please."

"Mhm! You can count on that!"

"Please. Think before you do something.", Urata repeated. "You don't have to tell me so often! I understand already!", Sakata assured him with a wide smile.

"...Then why the hell are you lifting your gun into the wrong direction, looking ready to shoot?! Just listen to me god damn it!", Urata shouted annoyed as he walked towards the redhead who flinched before laughing sheepishly.

"Ok, you better listen to me now and take everything in that I tell you because I am not going to help you once the game starts!", Urata told him as the younger male only smiled and nodded along to everything that the older male said.

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