Chapter 7: The Duo Hunters

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"Good Morning everyone~ I hope you guys are awake and ready~", Oz chirped as he looked at the players in front of him.

"Like some of you might already know, we are going to play the next game in another city~ Ghost Town! And we will get there by this vehicle here!", Oz said as he snapped his fingers, making a large and long car appear which didn't have any doors.

(A/N: I forgot what those things were called www)

"...For some reason, I expected something other than this.", Urata said as Amatsuki hummed in agreement. "It's kinda normal compared to everything else that we saw~"

"Not everything is working with magic! Anyways, get on and we will get there! It takes around an hour to get there because I want you guys to be able to watch everything before we get there! Now get on!", Oz told them as they did as told, getting onto the car.

As soon as everyone got on, Oz got onto the drivers seat as he started the engine.

"Wait... is it save to let you drive this? I mean, sure you're a gamemaster and this world is different. But this still doesn't change the fact that you're a child!", Shima exclaimed as Oz huffed when he heard that.

"Yeah but I learned how to drive this so it will be fine! I drove this thing every time when we need to travel! Why does everyone always worry about this all the time?", Oz asked as he mumbled the last sentence more to himself.

Deciding to ignore their worried remarks, Oz started to drive as the car started to move in a slow pace. Everyone was worried at first, slightly protesting or suggesting to switch to someone who could drive but Oz merely ignored them.

So in the end, they had to accept it as they watched the passing scenery.

They had to sit in pairs because that's what the space allowed him which means that everyone sat next to the person they spent the most time with.

"Soraru-san, do you have any water?", Mafumafu asked as the older male merely hummed and handed him the bottle of water which he had taken with him, the albino thanking him before he took the bottle. "Soraru-san, do you still feel tired?"

The raven-haired male merely nodded in response as the younger male smiled slightly before shifting closer. "You can use my shoulder and sleep for a bit! It's going to take an hour before we arrive after all!"

Soraru didn't need to hear anything more after that as he let his head fall onto the albino's shoulder, immediately falling asleep.

"Ehh... What happened that they suddenly grew so relaxed with each other? I wanna ask...", Oz thought as he looked back to the albino and raven-haired male, Mafumafu noticing him.

It seemed as if he had noticed what Oz had wanted to ask but he merely smiled as he mouthed: "It's a secret" as Oz pouted nodding before focusing back on the road.

He decided that he would go and pester them about it later. He was curious and he will get his answers. Sooner or later.

"Luz~ How about we go on a date after this?", Nqrse asked. No one was really affected by these words because in the days where they had gotten to know the pink-haired male, they had learned that this was just his way of speaking.

"Sure. We can go and have a picnic after this.", Luz said with a smile as the younger male grinned satisfied before leaning in and pecking the taller male's cheek. "Yay~ You're the best, Luz~ This is one of the reasons why I love you~"

The older male merely chuckled in amusement as he scratched his cheek. "I love you too, Nqrse-san."

"Oh god, don't act so disgustingly close... You act like you're an actual couple.", Urata said, knowing that Luz was probably too dense to know the true meaning of those words and Nqrse was just flirting with Luz because it was fun.

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