Chapter 8: Code Decryption

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As soon as they stepped out of the door they got blinded by the light and just like that they got separated. Before Mafumafu knew it, he was standing alone in the middle of what he assumed was a church.

"A church? If I remember correctly then...", the albino thought about it for a bit before remembering as he snapped his fingers.

"The Red Church... Ah... This map. I will just focus on decoding then...", Mafumafu said as he saw a machine in the middle of the church, walking towards it before starting to decode it.

It wasn't even a minute as he had started decoding when his device vibrated, Mafumafu taking it out in confusion only to see that someone had gotten hit by a hunter.

The albino stared at the device in disbelief before he realized who it was that had gotten hit. "Sakatan?"

Sure, the albino wanted to help but he wasn't the best at kiting. Neither in the video game nor in real life. He doubted that he could help the redhead at the moment. If things come to worse, he would go to save Sakata. But for now, he decided to focus on decoding and hope no one would come for him.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。", a redhead shouted and sobbed as he ran as fast as he could, a blue-haired male trailing close behind him.

"I haven't even used my skills yet and already hit you once!", a blue-haired male laughed as he continued chasing the red-haired male who was running as fast as he could before he spotted the graveyard with some pallets.

Remembering the videos that he had watched, he decided that he should use this chance to hit the blue-haired male even if he felt slightly bad. So Sakata sped up as he ran towards one of the pallets, ready to slam it down and block the way.

Colon widened his eyes when he almost managed to hit the redhead only for him to get out of his grasp and run towards the pallets.

Not thinking anything, the blue-haired male sped up as fast as he could to catch up and that's when Sakata took his chance and took the pallet before slamming it down.

The blue-haired male stood there in shock unable to move for a second as he looked at the redhead who was sweating nervously.



"Pfft— Ahahahaha! You— I know it happens in games but I didn't know it was possible to push the pallet down before going through in real life! Ah— My stomach—", Colon laughed as Sakata scolded himself for being so stupid.

He was about to jump over the pallet but it was too late as the blue-haired male had already hit him once again, successfully knocking him down.

Sakata held his head in pain and wasn't even able to defend himself as he was being lifted up and tied to balloons before he was being carried towards one of the chairs which just had to lay close by.

And just like that, he was placed down onto a chair. And there was only one question that the redhead had at the moment:

How the hell was Colon able to make those balloons carry him?

His device vibrated and even without taking it out, Sakata could see how all of their images were doubled. He didn't understand what that meant though because he never played that game after all.

While being deep in thoughts, Sakata didn't notice how someone approached them and before he knew it the wires which held him in place were being ripped away before he was being carried by a familiar brunet.

"Hey! Don't take him away!", Colon shouted as he had just come back from hunting someone else. But unfortunately he didn't manage to catch the brunet who hit him with a pallet several times before running away.

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