Chapter 6: When you can't think of a title

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"M-maashi... Please! Don't do it! W-we're friends right?", a redhead asked with a trembling voice as a purple-haired male could only bite his lips as he gave the younger male a pained expression.

"I'm sorry, Sakata... But... I have to do this... Urata also thinks that this is the right thing to do...", Shima added.

"B-but Maashi!"

The purple-haired male took a deep breath before he exhaled again, apologizing one last time before he set down his last card, whispering the word as if it was painful to speak.


"Noooooooooo!", Sakata exclaimed as he sobbed, throwing his several cards on the table, Urata only laughing at them having already won first.

"God, you suck so much at this game. Or all games in general.", the brunet pointed out as the red-haired male puffed his cheeks out in response.

"I am not bad at all games! There are games that I am also good at!", Sakata exclaimed as the older male raised an eyebrow in response. "Such as...?"

"Mario Kart! I have been playing it a lot and I am really good at that game!", the youngest declared proudly. "Nah, I bet I can beat you at it.", Urata replied as he took some of the chips in his bag.

"I mean you pretty much lost every game we've played until now so...", Shima trailed off as the redhead gasped before he started whining about how mean both Urata and Shima were to him and how it was unfair and that he could win for sure in the next game.

"Yes yes, keep on telling that yourself if it makes you feel better. Anyways, let's play old maid next.", Urata said as he took a deck of cards, shuffling it before handing it to the other two who took them.

"So... according to Oz the next game will be tomorrow or the day after, right?", Sakata asked as he placed his cards down.

Shima hummed in response as he placed his cards down as well. "Yup. Should be tomorrow though~ I heard that the next stage would be in another place~ Gonna look forward to it~"

"Yeah... I hope it won't be weird or anything considering that this world is kinda... unique already. I am kinda surprised that Oz decided to give you a whole week of a break after every game now though. I thought last time was an exception.", Urata said as he placed his cards down before it was Sakata's turn again.

"...Urata-san? Maashi? We are going to all pass that round, right? I don't want to get separated from you guys yet...", Sakata said as he frowned slightly at the thought of not being able to see the two of them anymore.

And he wasn't too keen on getting back to his own world either.

Shima and Urata looked at the redhead, slightly surprised that the younger male would talk about this all of a sudden. They looked at each other for a second before Urata sighed and Shima smiled as they both gave an answer of their own.

"Nice to see that you care about us but care about yourself first before thinking of us. I don't know about Maashi but I am definitely going to do my best to win this game.", Urata said.

"Well, same goes to me~ Don't worry, I got you, Sakata! We are just all going to do our best to pass and then we can go to the next round together for sure~", Shima encouraged the redhead who looked at them before smiling and nodding.

"Alright then! I am going to do my best!", Sakata exclaimed as Shima grinned and nodded and Urata smiled faintly before going back to his usual expression.

"Anyways, I've had enough of this talk. We are going to see how it goes tomorrow. And worrying about it now won't make it any different so we should enjoy this time now.", the brunet said as Shima and Sakata hummed in agreement.

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