Chapter 13: Dusk, Mistaken for a Dream

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"Mafu? Mafu...", a voice called out as the albino could feel himself being shook lightly.

Despite being shaken, the albino still didn't want to open his eyes, feeling way too tired to do so. "...Mafu!", the other person shouted as Mafumafu felt himself getting ripped out of his sleep, opening his eyes.

The albino had to blink several times, adjusting his eyes to the light before he saw the person sitting in front of him, widening his eyes when he recognized who it was.

"M-mother?", Mafumafu stuttered out, not knowing why his deceased mother was suddenly standing right in front of him. "Wh-why are you here...? I-I thought you were—"

"Why should I not be here, Mafu? You are the one who told me to wake you every morning so you won't be late for school!", his mother accused as she put her hands on her hips.

But even though he was being accused, her words held no malice in them.


"It seems that you're still half asleep so make sure to wake yourself up! After you've changed, come down for breakfast, alright? Your father still wants to eat with you before heading off to work!", the white-haired woman said before she gently closed the door and walked down.

Mafumafu only blinked a few times, looking around confused. Sure enough, this was his room and his bed that he had woken up in.

But wasn't he in Wonderland just a few minutes ago? Why was he back in his room and house? And why was his deceased mother and missing father suddenly here?

Was all of Wonderland really a dream? Was it really? After all, everything felt so real.

The games he had played. The people he had met there... and Oz.

The albino halted for a second as he tried to recall closer events. But for some reason, everything in his memories was blurry.

Just like in a dream.

"Maybe it was a dream after all.", Mafumafu thought as he changed into his uniform before walking down where his mother and father were already waiting.

"Good Morning, Mafu! Did you sleep well?", his father asked as the albino nodded and sat down on his place.

There he was, his missing father, sitting alive in front of him with his mother patting his head before putting her plate away and preparing their bentos.

They had a light and comfortable conversation while eating before his mother returned with two clothes boxes, placing them on the table.

His father stood up as he gave his wife a quick kiss and patting Mafumafu's head before taking one of the packed lunches.

"I'll be heading to work then so see you in the afternoon! Thanks for the bento as always!", his father exclaimed before he rushed out of the house.

"See you later, honey!", she shouted before turning to Mafumafu. "Now now, Mafu, you have to get going too or you'll be late again!", his mother reminded him as she gave him his bento box before pushing him to the entrance.

Mafumafu only let himself get pushed as he put his shoes on, still in a daze and confused before he was pushed out of the house, not after getting a peck on the forehead first.

"See you later, Mafu! Have fun with your friends! Make sure to buy the groceries, alright?", his mother reminded him gently before closing the door.

Everything seemed so surreal. But Mafumafu guessed that everything that happened in Wonderland really was only a dream, feeling slightly bad for dreaming about his mother in such a bad way.

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