Chapter 10: FPS

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"Luz-kun, are you alright? You have been looking worried for some time now.", a brunet pointed out as the light-haired male shook his head.

"Ah, it's nothing. Sorry if I worried you, Amatsuki-san.", the taller male apologized as Amatsuki chuckled and brushed it off.

"It's fine. Just make sure to say something if you need help! Everyone needs help sometimes and I would be more than happy to help!", the brunet exclaimed with a smile as the light-haired male couldn't help but smile back.

"I will do that then. Anyways, I will be going back to my room for now so see you tomorrow.", Luz said as Amatsuki nodded. "Mhm, kay! See ya!", the brunet said as he waved the other male goodbye before the two of them parted ways.

As soon as the light-haired male had turned around, his smile had turned into a frown.

"If you don't want to lose and win with your team then you only have one choice. Target me and eliminate me in the next game."

"You or me. Let's settle this in the next game."

Luz had accidentally overheard their conversation yesterday. More like, he overheard what Soraru had told Mafumafu.

From what he had understood, Soraru was a king while Mafumafu was an important piece of the other side.

And if what Soraru said was really true then... Luz knew that to win this game, he only had to make sure to help Mafumafu and eliminate the raven-haired male.

The light-haired male tried to remember everyone else's role, nodding to himself before going back into his room.

Just as he walked back though, he bumped into someone, apologizing quietly as he decided to head back to his room, only for him notice that he had bumped into the very raven-haired male who he had to target tomorrow.

"Ah, Soraru-san. Sorry for bumping into you.", Luz said bowing. "It's fine, I should have watched where I was going as well.", the older male assured him. "Ah! Thanks for the other day! For saving me, I mean.", Luz thanked Soraru who only nodded in response, muttering that it was nothing.

At this point, Luz forgot about the fact that he should be careful around Soraru as an idea suddenly crossed his mind. "Soraru-san, are you free right now?", Luz asked as the older male tilted his head, looking at the younger male in confusion.

"I have nothing to do I guess. Why?", Soraru asked. "Would you like to spend some time with me then? You can ask me for anything as a thanks for saving me!", Luz exclaimed determined as Soraru could only look at him slightly surprised.

On one hand, Soraru thought that he should just go and take a nap or something because he had nothing to do anyway. After all, Mafumafu had avoided him after their talk and spent more time with Sakata and Urata or Amatsuki and Kashitaro.

And having nothing to do, Soraru thought he might as well get some rest.

On the other hand though, Soraru thought that hanging out with Luz wouldn't be too bad. And there were some suspicions which could be confirmed as well while he was at it.

So in the end, the raven-haired male nodded, accepting the younger male's invitation, making the light-haired male smile happily.

"Really? That's great! Do you have anything you want to do in particular? Or anywhere you want to go?", Luz asked as Soraru thought about it for a bit before shrugging.

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