Chapter 1: Prologue

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??? Pov.

A guy who wears a completely white clothing; a white coat, white polo white pants and white shoes. His appearance is also completely in white he has a snow white short hair, pale skin and his eyes is different instead of whit it was black.

To know who he is? He is Ouranus the primordial god of skies

Ouranos Pov.

As I was contine watching from the Sky with a new body of mine the body that was once owned by Percy Jackson that I completely take over in 10 years and I handle it with care, when the the time he died in my arms and that was the time I realized that there is a power that surpasses immortality as I take good care of him.

Why I was in here it's started long time ago were Percy Jackson was ended up being forgotten


As I  continue watches the world continue changing and flourish on how it was, a long time ago was I getting tired of being the father of all just because of having a lots of children. Then at some point the more I keep watching the world the more I realized that something felt empty inside me, until I started to get interested on a demigod name Percy Jackson.

I saw him when he was thrust into a world, where he was forced to prove that he deserved to life. He was only twelve at that time. Every year he had to do something that proved his loyalty to the deities that call themselves the Olympians. But everything went goes wrong when his brother Zach came.

After the war of Gaea both camp is combine the Romans moved to camp half-blood and the renamed the camp to 'Camp Olympus'. Then not long ago when he learned that he has another brother named Zach came in the camp of course he was very excited, because some people always wanted a big family, not until he found out for almost a week; 1st he found out that Annabeth was cheating on his brother Zach and what's more worst when he came to everyone in the camp praise him like a hero and comes home victorious without proving it and thanks to my observation skill I can tell he was a liar. He then spread a fall rumors about him something that was very painful, even the people I've trust betrays me except for Rachel, Pollux the son of Dionysus and Clarrise, what's more even more worst he accused Percy to be a spy of Gaea 3 days ago and what's even more worst of all his father Poseidon disowned him a day ago. 

But before they could gave him a punishment I immediately act fast I immediately transported his body into my home above the skies were no one can find us, of course he was surprised on where he is now and he says.

But before they could gave him a punishment I immediately act fast I immediately transported his body into my home above the skies were no one can find us, of course he was surprised on where he is now and he says

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"Where am I, what am I doing here and how do I get here?" Percy asked  then he turn around and saw. "Who are you?" He asked me as he prepares his weapon.

"Be still my grandson I'm not your enemy." I response

"Who are you then and what am I doing here?" Percy asked

"I'm Ouranus the primordial of sky and the reason why you're here is because I save you you're in my home." I response to him and he was still surprised and never dropped his weapon.

"You saved me very funny aren't you an evil god in millennia... heh... Not to mention you since when did you even care in your children and there children, also for someone like who saved their asses twice and ended up betraying me and you inspected that I will believe you... huh..." Percy said in statement of course he has a point then I noticed a tears falling down in his yes.

"You don't have to believe me plus I saw who exactly who you are and I always protecting you from the face of danger like.... Who was the one who warns you that something will happens when you are still 7, Who was the one who gave the coordinates on where the fleeces is located? Who was the one the sent you in Calypso's Isle? and Who is the one that keeps on protecting you?" I response as I moved towards him and grabs his sword to uncapped it and gave it back to him.

"Wait all these time it was you.." Percy said as he was disbelief.

"Indeed I always keep watches you and I save you before they could make a decision to kill you, that's why you're in my home and you don't deserved those things." I said

"Why me? Why you always protecting me am I that special?" Percy asked as he looks at me in the eye.

"I beg your pardon but I didn't all of those things for you just because your special, I did what I can to everyone because we are able to." I answered as I pat his head "Like me I was also tired of being a father to all and I got tired doing my job at the same time... You might guess now what happened next." I said as he calms down then he looks away on me and looks at sea with a lots of star.

" I said as he calms down then he looks away on me and looks at sea with a lots of star

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"Say is it always night at here?" Percy asked

"You are in Alaska and you are land beyond the gods Percy plus it's already passes midnight." I said 

"Tell me grandpa was I always meant to be like this? Is my destiny not to be loved by family?" He asked me with sad question.

"I don't know the answer of that and only you can decides which destiny to pick and you should control your destiny." I said as I pat his shoulder and join him to watched the view and as I changed his clothes in a blue Toga.

" I said as I pat his shoulder and join him to watched the view and as I changed his clothes in a blue Toga

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Flashback Ends:

After the day I took he agrees to live with me in my home while everyone in the camp was surprised of Percy's disappearance I evenly resurrected Castor the son of Dionysus, because Percy begged me to let him to bring him back cause he don't want to see Pollux sad again.

The camp and the gods is also looking for him then realized that he was actually innocent his brother Zach admitted he was jealous of him, that's why there on the search to find him but it was to late he already died 5 years after I take him away and they kept on searching on him for 10 years. Right now I was on Alaska standing on his grave.

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