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         HIS STEADY PACE was on track, probably slower than a busy person can walk on the street. He wasn't in a rush but he felt like he was carrying a heavyweight on his shoulder with every step he takes. Body's aching from numerous works he had finished for the last few days. It's a sign of relief for him as a college student but as a result, he looked like a wasted zombie on the outside.

He needs a break. And when he meant a break, that means not staying in the apartment all day and night long. Too boring.

He felt something fell on the top of his head, he took onto his hand and discovered a dried orange leaf, almost withering. He forgot that the Fall season is now starting today. He deeply sighed, not that it was important for him anyway.

He was too immersed in his clouded thoughts that he didn't realize an oncoming vehicle was crossing in his direction.


The black Chevrolet car honked and immediately halted. An unknown guy exited from the door and saw Minho on the ground. Luckily, he didn't get any serious injuries, only a few scratches on his elbows.

“Are you alright?”

“You jerk! Does it looked like I'm al—” The brown-haired guy stopped his mid-sentence upon recognizing the person in front of him, “Jisung?”

The said boy was astonished for a moment, “Minho? Lee Minho right?” He asked as he lends his hand for him to pull and stood up.

“Yeah. Nice seeing you again but at the wrong timing,” Minho chuckled, lightening the mood of the atmosphere. “You didn't change a little bit from the last time I saw you.”

Truth to be told, Han Jisung didn't indeed change his physical appearance aside from he dyed his hair blue and grew incredibly handsome. The younger was a childhood friend of Minho who went to the same school until high school. Unfortunately, Jisung had to move into a different country because of a family emergency that occurred during his junior year.

But now he came back, he does certainly want to meet with him for quite some time.

The blueberry head boy just laughed at his statement, “Where are you heading to? I can give you a free ride.” He wiggled his eyebrows, pointing at his brand new car.

“Nowhere actually. I just want to take a stroll, college's pretty toxic for me.” He shrugged, patting the dirt from his clothes.

“Why don't we hang out for a while? I don't have anything to do for the rest of the day.”

That doesn't seem like a bad idea. The older nodded without any hesitation. And it was too late for him to back out as he gazed at Jisung who's showing his white pearl teeth due to his excitement he can't contain. He tugged his left arm but the guy didn't budge.

“We need to treat my wound first,” He smirked at the boy's confusing face before giggling, “Oh right. I'm sorry about that.” The bluehead boy sheepishly answered, opening the passenger's seat which Minho accepted, and went to the other side to head off anywhere.

Few hours had passed yet the two young boys didn't notice the sun already went down as they were overwhelmed by the happiness and enjoyment they brought to each other being friends. They couldn't hide the fact they do miss the old times being together without worrying anything.

Jisung stopped the car as they saw the familiar neighborhood in front of them, “Well this is a goodbye for now,” Minho broke the silence, going outside the car. The younger followed behind.

“Hey, can I get your number? So we can catch up sometime...” Jisung trailed off which the brown-haired guy automatically gave his digits. “I had fun today, see you around next time?”

Minho held a soft smile before hugging the boy, “Sure thing.” He said as pulled away, bidding goodbyes, and entered his home.

Once he was alone again, he let out a sigh while lips still curving upward from the previous events. He slumped himself on the bed, closing his eyes while ignoring the incoherent murmurs. He was too tired to acknowledge it although he didn't miss one thing he said,

Be careful. I didn't like what I saw earlier.

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