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      THE TICKING TIME had reversed back from the beginning. Everything went to its normal place as the university decided to close the case of Mingi temporarily. The so-called suspect was never been found nor the weapons used in the killing. Moreover, no more murder cases have circulated on the campus for the past few weeks.

Well, except for the fact that students were still bothered by the sudden death of the senior as they worried there's still a possibility they will be the next victim of the mastermind anytime soon.

On the other hand, Minho didn't care anything about it since he was somehow part of the killing (not that he was proud of it). He and Hongjoong also both agreed they would keep the real story as confidential as possible— of course, he excluded stating the most important information when he learned the latter would further pursue a secret investigation for this case.

“Hey Min, I brought some new friends with me. Can they sit with us starting today?” Felix questioned when he approached the guy in the cafeteria. Just at the right time, Minho was busy munching on his spicy rice cakes.

He shrugged, “Sure. More people, the merrier I guess.”

He swallowed the last piece of his meal, watching Felix's back from his seat, and fetched three men near the entrance.

“Hyung, I would like you to meet Hyunjin then this is Seungmin,” He introduced the two taller boys who gathered in a straight line. Minho gave them a genuine smile and waved his hand. The two returned with the same gestures.

“And this is Hyunjin's cousin, Jeongin,” The youngest of them all gazed at him upon the mention of his name. His jolly smile swept onto his face, showing his braces off.

“He's a sophomore by the way,” the Australian added.

Minho froze on his spot.

“It's Yang Jeongin. We've already bumped into each other before, right?” He giggled, lending his hand for a handshake.

I never saw him around yet he's strangely familiar to me. Weird.

He snapped out of his trance and accepted the formalities without missing the way his eyes shifted into an empty expression, “Yeah. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“I already like you as a friend, hyung.”

Jeongin gave a sly smile as he retracted his hands, sitting beside Hyunjin on their table. He took his phone out and was busily texting to whoever it was while Felix and the two new boys just proceeded to argue about irrelevant topics such as whether dogs ever fart or not. Like what?

“I'll just take my business for a while. I'll be back shortly.”

The others nodded as Minho excused himself for a while and went to the nearest comfort room to take his matter. When he was done, he went to wash his hands on the faucet while humming a random tune.

As he darted his eyes on the mirror, he almost jumped out of his skin upon reading the word 'DIE' written in an ambiguous manner everywhere. It looked like it was hastily done as there were blood smudges on the edge of each letter before he confronted the scene.

And there's only one culprit who could have done it.

“Stop messing around, Chan! I'm warning you!” He yelled, snapping his head around as if the anomaly is hiding somewhere in the place.

How sweet of you are.

“I've had enough with your pranks. I fucking swear.” He retorted. It was a good thing the toilet is far away from the crowded students or else, he'll end up looking like an insane man talking to himself.

Funny. I didn't do it.

“Stop lying, you monster,” The latter could only laugh at him.

You're stupid, you know?

Rage flowed into his vein at this point, he was beyond mad when the older has the guts to be frivolous at serious times.

“Oi mate! Why are you taking so long?” Felix's voice echoed through the deserted area, eyes finally met his friend leaning on the sink. He pursed his lips.

“Are you okay?”

Minho deeply sighed, nodding vigorously as an answer. He splashed a massive amount of water onto his face to calm himself from the conversation he had a few minutes ago. Grabbing a tissue on the side, he dried his hands and headed towards the younger.

“Nothing's wrong, Felix. Let's just go.”

He gave a small smile to the younger as he slung his arms around the neck of his friend and walked back to the cafeteria.

But before they left, the brunette looked at the mirror once again and was surprised how the mirror was now spic-and-span, the printed words suddenly vanished.

He then realized maybe he was being tricked by his illusions.

“Have you seen Jeongin by the way? He also left the table without informing us,” The younger grumbled, getting the latter's attention.

“That kid.”

The brunette could only shake his head, “Nope, not at all.”

Sorry for the delay !

But since we have
internet connection
again, I'll update as
much as possible
before school starts
again yikes.

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