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         FOUR WEEKS PASSED by yet both Minho and Felix didn't talk since the confrontation happened between them at the hospital. Despite the older had already gone back to school, they would still avoid each other as much as possible, the same goes with Seungmin and Hyunjin.

The brunette never thought this would last longer compared to the previous fights they had. But based on their situation, his assumption about the Australian was correct.

“Hongjoong texted me to discuss an important matter but then, he accused me of committing a crime that I didn't do.” He told Jisung who's listening to him intently, “It lead to a heated argument but later on, I felt myself getting dizzy and blacked out.”

He explained, disregarding the rest of the story. Now that he only has his childhood friend by his side, he couldn't afford to lose him too by taking a risk.

“C'mere.” The bluehead boy wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his back as Minho buried his face onto his chest. The older sighed contently while ignoring the bubbly feeling aroused in his stomach towards Jisung.

“Don't worry, I'm still here. I believe in you.”

It's been only weeks yet the younger always stuck to him all the time. The younger made sure he was doing well and even brought food when he visits him. He sometimes fetched him from the university to spend time together. And Minho was glad he has a friend like him.

“I want to tell you something,” Jisung pulled away to face him, cupping the other's cheeks.

“This might be surprising but... I had like you since we were young.”

The latter almost choked on his saliva upon hearing the straightforward confession. He didn't expect the younger to have deeper feelings for him. But Minho couldn't say whether he is ready to give his heart to someone other than Chan or not. Despite what had happened between them before, he still couldn't let go of his past lover no matter how painful it was.

Is it time to move on and give Jisung a chance?

“Don't worry, It's okay if you want to think about it first. I can wait,” The younger quickly added when he saw him dumbfounded, “I-I'm sorry if it's sudden. I just cannot suppress it anymore,” He muttered.

Minho couldn't help but to giggle and swiftly pecked his left cheek.

“Thank you for everything.” The older gave a soft smile.

“I'll give you my answers soon,” It now turned for Jisung to reflect the same action but on the forehead this time. Both boys can't wait to see how will their relationship bloom in the future.

I already warned you about this.

The older ignored the hidden voice inside his mind as he automatically tagged along with Jisung, going down to his car. It was getting late and the latter had to go home early.

He's a traitor, Minho. He's just fooling you.

“Well I guess, see you again tomorrow?”

The brunette only nodded and waved goodbye to him. As usual, the bluehead replied with a flirty kiss which made the boy roll his eyes.

Don't belittle me. You don't know the capacity I have to stop this nonsense.

Once the engine started, the car slowly drove off where Minho watched him from afar. But one thing he didn't notice sooner is the familiar dead person at the back seat, plastering a sinister smile at him.


He quickly dialed Jisung's number as anxiety built up when it only leads to his voicemail. He sent multiple texts to him before hailing a cab to follow behind.

“Come on. Fucking pick it up,” The brunette grumbled when the call only kept ringing. Eyes staring at the black car in front of them. Not until he heard a voice on the other side, “Yo Minho?”

“Stop the car on the side.”


“Right. Now.” He said through his gritted teeth, controlling his frustrations, “Okay! Okay, I'll park the car— Woah!”

Minho's eyes widened when he heard the screeching tires on the road, swerving side to side. Suddenly, Jisung's car was speeding up than the normal acceleration he used. What scares him is when he was almost hit by the large truck passing on the other lane.

He pleaded with the cab driver to drive faster, “Hello? Jisung are you still there?”

No response.

“Are you there? Damn it Jisung I swear...” He panicked when he didn't hear anything. Alternating inaudible murmurs and continuous static covered the other line of the phone while Minho felt his heart ripping out on his ribcage at this point.

Time stood still yet one second turned into minutes for him. He couldn't breathe properly on the situation right now, at the same time blamed himself for dragging Jisung into this whole mess. All he could hope for is that Chan didn't hurt him.

“Minho? Hello?”

He snapped into his trance when he heard a voice reaching on his ear. “Thank god, Jisung. You're okay,” He exclaimed.

“Yeah. Something came up but no worries, I'm safe. I parked the car...somewhere near the Subway by the way,” The younger hummed.

Just as Minho ended the call, they drove to the said place and finally saw the safe blue-haired boy who's leaning on the side of his car. The brunette pushed his back on the seat comfortably, sighing in relief upon the sight.

A traitor is always a traitor. But you're a stubborn one, aren't you?

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