Chapter 1

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Moving to Iceland in the dead of winter was probably the dumbest move ever. Yet here I am, shivering my ass off in front of the Reykjavik airport, completely unprepared for any kind of cold weather. I'm bundled up in a thick, blue winter jacket and a maroon beanie pulled all the way down to my ears.

I am currently looking through wired-rimmed glasses. I was wearing contacts earlier, but I am pretty sure they were freezing onto my eyeballs, so I had to take them off. I should tell you at this point, I am from Arizona.

I didn't ask to come here for a grand adventure. I was forced to come here in order to get away from murderous creatures out to get me.

You see, I am a hot commodity back in the United States ever since it was revealed that I was the offspring of an angel-elf hybrid and demon-nymph hybrid. Because of my parents falling in love and creating me, I ended up being a combination of all four supernatural creatures. My parents weren't even going to tell me about this until I was twenty-five because at least then my, "Frontal-cortex would be fully developed." This is what my mom, the therapist, kept saying as I was freaking out and yelling at them after they revealed this important information to me just a day ago.

The only reason they ended up telling me was because their past was coming back to bite them in the ass. Apparently, it was time for the angels to "right the wrong" that occurred when my grandparents gave birth to my parents. That means they want to kill my parents and me.

It is all very jumbled in my brain right now.

But that is the dramatic story of how I ended up in Iceland, freezing my ass off. It certainly was far enough away from Arizona that it would take a while for anyone to find me. My parents thought that the temperature change would confuse my "pursuers" for the time being.

They never actually told me what "creatures" other than angels were

after me or what my four-part creature parentage meant in the grand scheme of things. To be fair, they didn't have enough time to tell me any details because we were too busy packing my stuff up for my trip to Iceland. But I still had so many questions I wanted to ask.

Did I have powers? Or was I just some lame mutant creature? I guess I wouldn't be chased if I weren't dangerous. Whatever the case, I am here now so I should try to make the best of it. Right?

I am waiting in the brick-tit cold for a family friend I never met before to take me to the city of Akureyri. This city that is more north, and colder than Reykjavik, so that's fun.

Just as I felt my pinky finger start to freeze off, a silver 2005 Honda rolls up to the curb near the bus stop I was waiting at. The window rolls down and a man, whom I could only assume was in his thirties, was sitting in the drivers seat. He has curly blond hair sat perfectly on his head and has big warm smile on his face that almost melted the frost on my retinas.

"Hi! Are you Ren?" the man exclaimed with his pearly white teeth prominently displayed in a wide smile. This guy must use whitening strips every day for ten hours. Not only that, he was wearing only a wool sweater. How in the hell was he warm in that shit with this weather?

"Yes, I'm Ren." I answered back.

"Great! I am Aron. Let's get you in the car and out of this blistering cold!"

I complied without hesitation, desperate to jump into the warmth. After throwing my luggage into the truck of the car, I jump into the passenger seat and started to warm my hands on the heaters. I forgot to pack gloves, of all things. I am notorious for forgetting the most important, but simple things. I'm surprised my parents even let me go off on my own in an unknown country. I didn't even go away to college. Well, that was all on me since I hate roommates and just college life in general. But it's not like I need my parents to take care of me because I know how to cook, clean, and do laundry. But my ADHD frequently makes me forget to do simple things. Forgetting to bring gloves to a country known for being freezing cold is a good example of this.

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