Chapter 11

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Frigg told me she would meet me at the bar at about ten tonight so we can be there before the beginning of the action.

After taking a quick four-hour nap (what can I say, that beer spa really had me at peace) and then proceeding to eat a shit ton a pasta, I walk over to my closet to plan out my outfit.

I didn't exactly have nice close to go out in, but Sigjon was able to help me put something together that other night we went out so many if I channel his energy, I can put something together. After sorting through my depressingly black wardrobe (maybe I should branch out), I pull out a black v-neck sweater and try it on.

Damn, I actually think I look pretty sexy in this. When was even the last time I wore this thing?

I complete my outfit with gray jeans and taking my contacts out to put on my wire glasses. I figured that I would be up late, and my contacts bother me when I wear them too long.

I sit on my bed to put on my socks when I look at the box that contained my parent's heirlooms. Lilja said that I should wear my mom's necklace all the time now. I will admit I didn't listen to her and haven't worn it since I first pulled it out of the box. It didn't feel right to wear it before, but now, I can feel it pulling me forward.

I hop up and pull out my mother's agate and green tourmaline necklace. I examine it more carefully than I did before. Though I didn't listen to Lilja when she said to wear it, I was curious about its magical properties, so I Googled it (thanks to Aron's suggestion). After scanning a couple of pages, I gathered that the green tourmaline was known for its use of increasing strength, growth, courage and connection to earth, definitely the elf side of my mom. Though I have to say that courage and strength isn't something that I feel like I have a lot of right now so maybe it will really rub off on me. The agate on the other hand was pretty much what I expected which was that it was the mineral of guardian angels and balance. Typical angel stuff.

I pull the necklace over my head and let it rest on my chest. I walk over to the full length mirror and look at my reflection. For the first time in my life, I feel attractive. I don't know if it is because of what Frigg and Sigjon said to me today or if it is because I am seeing so much of my parents in my reflection at this moment.

Both of my parents are ridiculously attractive people in their own respects. My mom, well she is a stunning beauty. Black hair and blue-green eyes, with amazing eyebrows. But I think was really draws people in, is her energetic personality and adventurous vibes. She could charm anyone. I have always seen her feature in my own face but honestly I think this is the first time I am seeing my father in me. My father, while bald, has a strong face that is offset with the freckles that seem to have been strategically flecked all over his face. My dad is ruggedly handsome, something I am not, but he was always a softy at heart. He loved to relax and he was usually the one to suggest we all just sit and read rather than going on outings. My mom always won though so we usually ended up going out. Despite their differences, my parents found a perfect partner in each other and I really admired their constant willingness to work together.

I wish I could call them. I want to update them on everything, but they told me it would be too dangerous for me. They are on the run as well, trying to throw off the angels and demons. I hope they are okay.

I look at my phone and realize it is time me to head out. I slip on my black trench, gloves in tow, and start making my way to the bar. As soon as I reach the bar, I see Frigg behind the bar laughing with Sigjon, seemingly at something a guy at the counter said. Other than Frigg and Sigjon, there are only a few other people at the bar.

When I open the door, I hear Frigg make a high-pitched screech. I cover my ears jokingly as she runs from behind the bar and into my arms. I picked her up and spin her around as she laughs. I was extremely happy that I warranted that reaction from her.

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