Chapter 7

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The next morning, I decided that it is my turn to make breakfast. I made home fries, scrambled eggs, toast, and sliced up some oranges.

"Something smells amazing!" I hear Sigjon exclaim from behind me. This makes me jump up a little and makes Sigjon let out a small laugh.

"Yup. I made breakfast to fuel our snow day antics."

"Oh, so I see you have finally accepted your fate."

"It was the only choice, wasn't it?"

"That is true."

After we ate, Sigjon told me that the first thing on the agenda was to play around in the snow. However, in order for us to survive in the Iceland snow, we had to dress into five layers of clothing, since I didn't have enough outerwear for the both of us. Luckily, I did have extra hats so at least his hair won't frost off.

Thankfully, it had stopped snowing during the night so the snow didn't bury us neck deep, but we were almost up to our waist in the snow, so we had to make ourselves a pathway in order to get anywhere. That took about thirty minutes, so after we got done with our makeshift road, my arms felt a bit tired.

"Hey Sig? Is this considered snow day fun to you Icelandic folk?" I ask sarcastically. Sigjon shuffles himself over and pushes me into the snow. My whole body submerges into the snow leaving a me-shaped hole.

"That's just to make sure our fun isn't impeded by unnecessary obstacles," Sigjon said with a smirk on his face.

After I dragged myself out of the snow, Sigjon directs me to make a wall of snow perpendicular to his wall.

"Hey, Sig? Aren't we supposed to make snowmen and stuff? Why are we building walls?"

"You will see soon enough," He said with a malicious smile. This

guy was too cool.

I just shrug my shoulders and continue with my wall. After I finished my wall, I looked at Sigjon who is nowhere to be seen. I stand up and look around, not sure where he could have gone too. Suddenly I am hit in the head with a force and knocked over onto my ass behind my wall. I rub my head and peak up over the wall and see Sigjon tossing a ball of snow up and down in his right hand.

Oh, I see what this is now.

Before I could finish making a snowball, I feel the cold splatter of snow on the top of my head. It is so on, Sigjon.

I quickly grab a ball and chuck it at him while he tried to throw one at me. I end up nailing him in the face while dodging his throw. We are both in war mode, throwing snowballs at each other like we were enemies. We continue like this for the next thirty minutes until I accidently fell on top of my wall, causing me to face plant into the snow.

I feel a sudden thud on the back of my head that was followed by Sigjon singing "I win."

I manage to get myself up and chuck a pile of snow at Sigjon's face. We both laugh. After that we decided to stay outside for another thirty minutes to make snowmen and snow angels. When were finally finished dicking around in the snow, we dragged our cold, wet asses back up the stairs and into my apartment, thankful to be back in the heat.

We both walk back behind the wall into my "bedroom" and begin the long struggle of taking our many wet layers of clothes off. After each layer, we toss the clothing onto the floor, causing a gross wet plopping sound to happen each time. Every time we heard the sound, we both gave out little chuckles probably because it sounded sexual and gross. It's nice to act like a middle school kid again.

Once I was about to reach the last layer of clothing, I realized that I needed to lend Sigjon underpants since his had he soaked through. I take out the new package of underpants Aron got for me (bless that angel) and ripped open the package. I pulled out a fresh pair of boxers and turn around to hand them to Sigjon. I was shocked to find that Sigjon was totally stripped down to his underpants, thighs and abs prominently displayed.

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