Chapter 20

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The Beast is gone and I am left with his army. His army, that is roughly three times bigger than it was earlier. I look around and see all of the demons focused on me.

I am mad. I am mad because they used Sigjon as bait. I am mad that I am a pawn the Beast's game. I am mad that my parents and I are in danger. I am mad that I put Aron, Lilja and Frigg in danger. I am mad that no one told me what I was before a month ago. I am mad that I haven't had enough time to focus on training myself. But mostly, I am mad that I no longer have control over my life.

From the moment was told I had to leave Arizona to go to Iceland because I was a hybrid supernatural being who had to go into hiding, I lost control. I wasn't mad about it then, and I wasn't mad at it when I was in Akureyri. But since leaving that place, I kept getting more and more angry.

I am pulled between two worlds; one that fears me and one that has no idea that the other exists. I have barely been exposed to this new world, but I am so over it. Beyond over it.

I am not going to let anyone decide what is best for me anymore. Starting now.

I take a fighting stance on the damp earth and bring my fists up. "Alright. Bring it on, I guess."

The first wave of demons come at me from all angles. As if taken over by miraculous instinct, I push them all back with rock walls while blowing the flyers out of the air.

Wave after wave of demons come at me, but each time, I keep them far away from me, shooting icicles at their chests, capturing them in tornados, and bashing heads in with rocks. Blood is everywhere, and every once in a while, I get a bit on my face. Which absolutely enrages me more.

I am fighting like this for what feels like forever. I am managing to keep them from grabbing me, but there are still too many of them. I wished Sigjon was here for a split second, but remembered that this is my fight not his.

I am squashing demons under boulder after boulder, when I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my right arm. Then on my left leg. I turn quickly to see a demon, with rotten sharp teeth, with a small knife in its hand. I turn to attack him, when I feel another slash on my back, then on my chest.

I fall to the ground, my hands and knees propping me up. I managed to create a shelter with earth, and the demons kept bashing at the structure. I am dirty, in pain, and am losing. I am going to be taken to the Beast.

I didn't ask for this life, but it was the one I was given. I want to accept this fact, but I can't. I got thrown into the shit and I brought everyone around me down along for the ride. I am losing control before I could even gain it.

No. No, this is not going to happen. Sigjon is waiting for me. My mom and dad are waiting for me. Aron, Lilja and Frigg. They are all waiting for me. These demons are keeping me from gaining control; from getting back to them. No more. No more!

I am focusing on my anger. Letting the warm blood rise and spread throughout my body. With each bang, the demons get closer to breaking the rock, but I get angrier.

Suddenly, I feel the anger in my body, and it starts to take control. It feels hot and loud in my heart. I am vibrating all over my body and feel a fast rush of heat leaving my body. Then the darkness of my rock shelter is bright with light.

Robby Mitchell was a grade A jerk. No; A grade A asshole. He was good looking, popular, but mostly he was a bully. Cory Rojas was a nerdy boy I was a friend with. We would have lunch together and do homework together in the library after school. He was a dorky kid, but he was funny and he actually took a shower everyday, unlike the rest of the boys in my class who sprayed themselves with AXE and called it a day.

One day at lunch, Robby tripped over Cory's backpack and this is "obviously" Cory's fault. Robby got up, ketchup all over his white hoodie and without a single word, started to push Cory all over the place and eventually got a punch landed across his face. Without thinking, I was suddenly up on my feet and wailing on Robby, landed hit after hit on his stupid handsome face. After about the tenth punch, I was being pulled off of Robby by a security and was being dragged to the principles' office. Even though I explained the situation, they still had to punish me. Because I had a spotless academic record before this, they let me off with a warning by suspending me for one week, and making me write a paper on why violence isn't the answer to bullying (sorry, but sometimes you have no choice!). My dad came to pick me up from school after that and we sat in the car in silence all the way home. Once we were in the driveway I ran into the garage and started to hit the ground with a baseball bat, still angry with Robby for not being the one who is in trouble. Before I knew it, the wooden baseball bat caught on fire and splintered into a million pieces when I wacked it on the ground for the last time. My father was watching me while leaning on the hood of his car. He never said anything about it.

I open my eyes and try to focus on my surroundings, which were on fire. I stand up, the flames not hurting or burning me like I thought they would. The power was flowing through my body in a way the other elements didn't. It felt amazing.

Man, these demons are so fucked now.

I pull back the flames and the shelter. The demons, temporarily stunned, push back a little.

"Give up, kid!" I hear a growled voice yell.

I look up at the demons. They are circling me. Waiting for me to give in.

Instead, I push the fire out of my body and let myself get engulfed. I stand up slowly and turn around to face them. Hell isn't on fire for demons. But it is about to be.

I smile, and then with a loud cry, blast the fire out with such force, it eviscerated all the demons closest to me.

Ash falls from the sky as the rest of the demons take no time to attack.

Flames are shooting out of my hands like a flame thrower, hitting every demon I aimed at, setting their stupid leathery skin on fire. More demons come, but I shoot up in the air, fire and wind carrying me around the sky as I set each flyer on fire. I have to admit, this was fun. I spin around creating a tornado of fire that swept away the rest of the ground forces.

Before long, the rest of the demons start to retreat. But I was not letting them get away that easily. I land myself on the ground and start to focus on my intention. Ever seen a whip made out of fire?

I lasso those motherfuckers and forces them to huddle in close to each other. Once I had them where I wanted them, it was time for a show. They all turn to look at me, shock on their faces. But I don't care. I am in control now, baby.

Needless to say I lit their asses up like a bonfire. I watch as they burn to a crisp, making sure no one was left behind.

After I am sure they are all dead, I collect the left over snow from the ground and put out the fire with a nice rain. No need to punish the brush for their actions.

I am walking back to the car, holding my arm where I was gashed, and limping. I only have a little bit of a walk to go, but I have to make sure Sigjon is okay. I want to hold him. I want to kiss him. I want to brag. I have the car in my sight I see the door open and Sigjon steps out.

He is smiling at me, relief bright on his face. I smile back.

He runs to me, and grabs me in arms. That when I feel the anger leave my body, and I relax into him.

He pulls away to look at me, and I want to say that I love him. But I can't. My vision gets blurred, and I start to hear him yell my name.

The last thing I remember it Sigjon yelling my name over and over again.

Then I black out. 

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