Chapter 21

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The first thing I sense is the smell of cinnamon and tart strawberries. The aroma tickles my nose, causing me to let out a loud sneeze. I am awake now, and I am going to wipe my nose on my arm, I notice that it has been bandaged up. I am bandaged up everywhere. I am on a cot as well, in the middle of what looks like a living room in someone's house.

I throw the blankets off my legs and see that the alchemic symbol of fire has shown up on my right foot. Of course.

I look down at myself and see I am in my boxers. I fumble around looking for my pants and grab them. I slip them on and feel a bulge in my pocket. I put my hand in and grab my dad's pocketknife. I slap a hand to my forehead. I totally forgot I had this during the battle. It could have been useful! Ugh.

I look around and see that I am surrounded by a large blue sectional couch in a magically decorated house. It almost looked like a witches' cottage, except bigger and more expensive. And with cable.

I sit up on the edge of the bed and turn to look over the couch towards the kitchen. A woman with short blonde hair and dark long-haired teen boy were standing over a stove stirring a pot with a long wooden spoon. The boy was grabbing various ingredients while the woman was stirring.

The woman turned to the side to set the spoon down and obviously caught me looking at her because she jumps in the air and runs out of the room. The boy turns around next and looks at me with soft brown eyes. He was unbelievably handsome. And his eyes seemed familiar. He tilts his head to the side as if he was studying me, but then gives me a small smile before also leaving the room.

From behind me I hear stomping and running, and I turn quickly to see Frigg, Lilja and Aron running down the stairs. Frigg jumps into my arms and after my shock wears off, I squeeze her back. The lavender scent of her hair made me feel immediately relaxed. I missed her.

"Frigg get off of him. He still has stitches," I hear Lilja scold.

Frigg lets me go, but still is in my lap. She looks at me and says, "We thought you were dead. But only for a moment. Like two seconds tops."

I blink at her.

"Oh yeah," she says excitedly, "this is my house!"

I look around and reply, "It's nice."

"Alright," Lilja says, lifting Frigg up out of my lap and carrying her in her arms. "We can give him the tour later."

Frigg, still in Lilja's arms, huff and says, "Yeah, yeah whatever."

Aron then comes next to me and sits down on the bed.

"What happened after I passed out?" I ask.

"Sigjon called us as soon as he made it back to the car," Aron begins, "we got there just in time to save you from bleeding out. Luckily, you were close to Reykjavik, so we were able to treat your wounds at Frigg's family home."

Lilja coughs. Aron smiles at her and says, "Friggand Lilja's family home."

Lilja then chimes in, "Ren, we are so happy you are okay. We can talk about what happened later, and whyyou went off course from my instructions. But for now, just take some time to get your strength back."

Feeling guilty I say, "Sorry, Lilja."

Lilja shakes her head. "No sorry. Just learn from this."

From her arms, Frigg yells, "Can you let me down now?"

"No way, you need to help your mom and I make dinner. We are going to the garden now."

Lilja gives me a wink and starts to walk away with Frigg still in her arms. "We need to talk about Sigjon later, Ren! Ren!" Frigg yells out to me. I am now blushing hard.

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