Chapter 4

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Dear Ren,

I am so sorry.

If you are reading this, that means that our past is coming back to take its anger out on you. Your father and I hoped that we would have more time to tell you. We wanted to wait until you were 25; you know that that is the age for the decision-making part of the brain to be fully developed and ready for this kind of change. Unfortunately, we had to kick out into this world of chaos and violence because of us. But do not twist that phrase for us saying that we made a mistake. We would never say that what we did was a mistake. And we would never say our parents never made a mistake. We couldn't be happier to be alive and to have you as our child. You are brilliant, funny, and most of all, you are strong. The world is afraid of, yet worships, the power and magic that hybrids hold. But they believe that impure half-beings are a threat; that their power can never be fully known and therefore is a danger to the balance of nature. But I could not disagree more.

Your father and I found each other by chance. It was like a movie; it was fate. We had everything in common. We loved being in nature and feeling the earth move and twist with every changing moment.

When we revealed our lineage to each other it was like we finally figured out our place in this world. We both talked about having to hide in plain sight, and how difficult it was to not use the powers we were blessed with. After years of talking and working together, we realized that half-beings are a symbol of a blending that can bring about a Golden Age in our world. We would be able to discover new powers of nature and different ways to apply magic. Half-beings possess something that the pure beings will never have. And they envy us. The righteous ones want to kill us, and the malicious ones want to use us. But we cannot choose sides. We have to stay strong and neutral, even though it will be tempting to choose a side.

Ren, your father and I love you so much. We hope that we raised you to be a kind and thoughtful man and that you will make the right choices when they are needed. We never meant to place the world on your shoulders. We were just two beings who fell in love. We cannot be there for your journey like we hoped we would be, and we are regretful of that.

Aron is a trusted friend and we trust that he will take care of you and help you. In this box we have a few family gifts for you. The necklace is an agate stone necklace, a pure cut of earth. It was my fathers' necklace, but my mother added tourmaline to the necklace before they gifted it to me so that the stones powers could combine and work together in a way only, I could understand, and so that it could represent all of me. The other object is a blade, though it seems to be small. Your father's father forged it in demon fire and his mother made the handle. It was made it with pure opal from the water she was born in. We are giving you these gifts because we wanted to help you feel closer to your family and to yourself. To who you truly are.

We are so proud of you and all you have done.

Love Always,

Your parents,

Clover and Richard Fitch.

I did not want to admit to myself that I had tears forming in my eyes. My parents always knew this would be a possibility and they planned everything in advance. I had no idea how hard it was for them to keep me safe. I just can't believe that this has been going on for three generations now. I now am really hoping that I wasn't a little shit growing up. That would have added insult to injury for sure. I have to admit though, after reading this letter and receiving these gifts, I feel better. I don't know if it is my mother's guidance or the gifts that make me feel closer to them, but I feel like I can handle feelings for this situation better, even if it just a little bit.

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