Chapter 8

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They are flying and running frantically all around me; disgusting, ugly creatures. Some of them have large teeth, some have no teeth. Their legs are all cracked and bent in weird shapes and their eyes are glowing a sickly green light. There was nothing around me but blackness. As if a void was the only environment around for miles and miles. I couldn't move; I was stuck in place, forced to stare at the swarms of creatures around me. I didn't feel as though they wanted to hurt me, but that they wanted me. They really wanted me but they couldn't touch me. Suddenly, the ground shakes and about twenty feet away from me another creature erupts from the blackness. A creature standing at least 8 feet tall with eyes all over his body. Why did it have eyes all over his body? And why were all of the eyes different colors and shapes? Its ears were almost as big as the horns on his head. His muddy brown body was covered in what looked like large scales and scattered white feathers. But the most frightening feature was the long and jagged teeth that wouldn't fit in its mouth. Just the sight of it made me go numb. All of its eyes were staring right at me, not blinking. It turns its mouth into a frightening smile and suddenly the other creatures were gone and the whole world went black. I can feel my heart racing a mile a minute and I feel myself melting into the ground. The last thing I hear is a deep voice. What it said chilled me to the bone. "You are mine, Ren Fitch."

I am woken up by a thud to my face and a heavy pressure on my legs. I stir a bit, trying to move but then feel several more thuds on my head. Am I having a sleep paralysis dream?

I manage to open my eyes up and see Sigjon sitting on my legs wielding a kind sized pillow in his hands. I look around frantically, still stunned from the abrupt wakening and disturbing dream. When I finally gather my senses, I see the remnants of our fort surrounding me. I must have fallen asleep in the fort after the movie last night. Maybe that's what caused that awful nightmare?

Wait; did Sigjon also fall asleep with me under the fort last night? Did we...sleep together?

Sigjon gives me another whack on the face with the pillow, snapping me completely awake. "Wake up, sleepy head. The roads are cleared, and I need your help digging my car out of the snow."

I rub my hands into my eyes to clear the sleep away. Suddenly, Sigjon grabs me by the wrists and yanks me out from under the fort. I let out a huge yawn just before Sigjon shoves a cup of hot coffee in my hands. I lift my eyebrow at him as I take that first soul empowering sip.

"When did I fall asleep last night?" I ask rubbing my hand through my hair. My bed head is probably outrageous right now.

Sigjon tilts his head as he thinks about it. "You know, I don't remember. I must have fallen asleep at the same time as you."

I nod my head trying to focus on finishing my coffee. So we did sleep next to each other. That's fine. Everything is cool. I mean that's what happens at a sleep over right?

Before I finish my coffee, Sigjon heads outside to start shoveling the snow. There must be a lot of snow covering his car is he needs two people to do it. After I set my cup on the counter, I throw on my heavy winter trench coat and head outside.

Well would you look at that, there really is no exaggerating with his car. It is covered completely by snow. Looks like I will be getting a work out. I hop over to the car to find Sigjon on the street side of the car trying to work on getting his tires free. He was hard at work with his green scrunchie holding his hair up. He looked like a true Viking. I help him dig his car out until he can get into the divers seat to turn the car on and the heat up to help melt the snow and ice.

As we continue to dig out his car, I accidently throw a huge pile of snow right into Sigjon's face. I try to hold back a laugh with my hand, but alas, the sound escaped my mouth.

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