Chapter 2

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I unpacked my belongings pretty quickly. I mean, I only brought clothes, toiletries and a couple of books on Norse mythology to get into the Icelandic spirit. I forgot to bring all of my underpants though. Remembered books, forgot underpants, so that's cool.

Just like he said he would, Aron showed up a couple of hours later to show me around town. I open the door for him and noticed his curly hair was now styled to make it go to the side, so it was out of his eyes. This made me feel very self-conscious about my messy black hair that I keep hidden under my beanie.

"Um, should I have dressed better? Because if I need to, I can change really quick," I said staring at his nice blue shirt, black jeans and grey pea-coat, comparing it to my blue jeans and dumpy black sweater with a large evil eye print on it. I am not really that into fashion. I keep it simple, dark, with an occasional graphic.

Aron laughed and said, "No, no, you look great! You may want to leave the beanie at home though."

I reluctantly took off my beanie while putting my black trench coat on and followed Aron out of the door.

As soon as I got outside, I put the beanie back on. I mean it is cold outside.

We end up walking to most of the places he wanted to show me which were the convenience store, some clothing stores, and most importantly, the liquor store. I come from a family that is really good at drinking. I am not saying we are all alcoholics. I am saying that my parents taught me how to drink properly and told me to never be afraid of them getting mad if I was drinking alcohol and needed to be picked up. But I never had any friends at college to drink with so I never needed a ride. This was fine with me because I think most people would not be able to keep their cool about drinking anyway. I don't like sloppy college culture. It also didn't help that I stopped trying to make friends after high school.

After the private tour of the main town of Akureyri, Aron takes me into a bar near the main street circle. This specific bar specialized in Icelandic beers and liquor. Aron said he wanted to educate me on Icelandic drinking culture. He said was a bit different then in the United States. But that was okay, because I always loved learning about the traditions of other cultures.

We walked into the bar and I notice that is decorated with red colored couches, wooden stools, metal tables and shelves upon shelves of booze behind the bar.

As soon as I am done looking around, I notice him right away. The man behind the bar, he was fucking gorgeous. Is everyone in Iceland beautiful? This guy was radiating strong but positive energy. His dark blond hair was pulled back in a green hair band and two stay pieces rested on either side of his face.

Although my heart immediately skipped a beat when I saw him, it wasn't like I was gay or anything. Well, I don't actually know what I am. I never dated anyone, so I guess I don't really know what I like when it comes to romance or sex. There was one time where I almost kissed a girl, but I ran away. It was senior year of high school and I made friends with this girl who was in all of my classes, but she apparently liked me, so she asked me to prom. I said yes, and we went but she tried to kiss me during the slow dance and I just sort of pushed her away. It was so awkward that I never talked to her again. So that is how experienced I am.

This guy doesn't look like he has those kinds of problems. I bet he gets swarmed with girls, and hell, maybe even guys, all the time. I bet he even gets massive tips just for being handsome. I wouldn't blame them though; he looked like he should be on the cover of a romance novel. He had the most striking, sharp features. He probably uses his cheekbones to open beer bottles for the customers as a party trick.

My hands start to get clammy during my intense thinking about this guy's face, so I stuff them into my jacket pocket. I am chalking it up to the sudden temperature change when I entered the bar; and post plane greasiness.

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