Chapter 12

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I basically spent the next two days in bed. I literally only got up for food and water. I also took a shower since I felt the sweat from the night at the bar accumulate on back. I was also able to play around with the water again, making streams in midair with the droplets coming from the showerhead.

Don't get me wrong though, I did spend the two days actually getting something done. I spent most of the days reading the books Aron had given me when I first came here. I figured I should study up on the different supernatural creatures that were out there.

I texted Aron about the water thing. On Saturday, he told me that he would check in on me next week because it was Valentine's Day weekend and we wanted to spend time with Lilja. I get it.

On Sunday, while reading up on trolls (They are these big, stupid and ugly creatures that are actually native in Iceland. They usually live in mountains that aren't frequently visited by humans and can only travel by night. If the sunlight hits them, they will turn to stone and die), I get a text from Frigg.

She texted me saying that she is going to come over later this evening with food to hang out. It didn't seem like she was asking for permission, so I just text her back an okay.

I close the book and fall backwards onto the bed. When Frigg gets here, I am going to be hounding her with questions. I have never wanted to gossip more in my life than I do right now.

I feel my tongue and throat get increasingly dry at the thought of asking her about the cheek kiss theory with her. I don't want her to think I am being weird, because I certainly think that I am being weird.

I reach my arm over to try and grab my glass of water, but it was too far away. I suppose I could just move closer and grab it but that doesn't seem like something someone who could control water would do. Taking Aron's advice, I decide that I really should be using my powers in everyday life.

I look at the water and put my right arm out towards it. With my palm up to the ceiling, I made a motion like I was picking the water up. To my joy, the water lifted out of the glass in a long cylinder stream in the air. I motion the water over to me body and start to play around with it a little. They say not to play with your food, but they don't say anything about your water.

I play with it a little, before my throat reminds me of what we were doing in the first place.

I moved the stream that was still in the air to my mouth and open my mouth. I let the water drop into my mouth and swallow it all up. This was going to be very convenient for when I wake up in the middle of the night and need to have a long drink of water after drinking.

I decide that I have a couple of hours till Frigg comes so I take a quick nap. I am suddenly woken up out of my slumber by a loud knock at the door. I grab my phone and see that it is 5 pm. That's probably Frigg. I regrettably jump up from my cozy bed to answer the door to make the banging stop.

I fling open the door and see Frigg. Well I see a blur of Frigg because she moved quickly past me and straight into my kitchen where she was setting plastic bags down on the island.

"Hello to you too, Frigg," I say, stretching the sleep from my limbs.

Frigg just turned and gives me a cheeky smile.

"Ren, I couldn't wait any more to talk about the night out," Frigg says with an excitable sigh.

I move quickly towards her and grab her face. "Thank god. I have been dying to ask you so many things."

Frigg puts her hands over mine and pulls them from her face. "But first things first. I never come empty handed when I barge into someone's apartment," Frigg says.

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