Chapter 18

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We are driving at full speed down the empty highway, trying desperately to outrun those ugly, fucking demons that are chasing us. They are flying after us at the same speed using their terrible, leathery wings.

Sigjon has literally not stopped screaming since we started driving. I mean it. He has just kept this long drawn out yell for the past 3 minutes. He has amazing lungs, I guess.

Thankfully he stopped, but now he is yelling phrases in Icelandic and I have no idea what he is saying. I can't say I blame him for being this way. I want to scream in Icelandic too. And cry. But one of us must stay composed, and I guess it is going to be me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO?" Sigjon finally yells in English.

"The fuck if I know!" I yell back, still turned towards to back to look at the demons. They are high fiving and laughing with each other like frat boys. "I don't think we are going to be able to outrun these cheeky motherfuckers."

As if on cue, I now see ten more demons coming from out of nowhere to join the other two. Each demon looked different from the next. Some had horns, some had no ears, and some had weird claw feet. All of them ugly as all sin.

I turn around in my seat and face Sigjon.

"Sigjon, I really hate to say this, but I think I to fight them," I say with a long sigh. I so do not want to do this. How annoying.

Sigjon turns to look at me with a face that is the epitome of 'are you fucking crazy.' Then he says, "Are you fucking crazy?"

"I don't see another way out of this."

"I can't let you do that, Ren. What if you die? What if I die? What if we both die?"

"You won't die. I won't die. They want me alive."

"What?" Sigjon yells.

"Aron says the demons want to control hybrids. It's the angels who want me dead. Let's just be thankful it isn't them."

Still not convinced, Sigjon bits his lips and looks at me with worried puppy dog eyes. I almost want to give in.

"Sigjon. Pull over the car."

Sigjon reluctantly pulls over next to a flat open field. We have been driving for at least fifteen minutes at what felt like 90 mph, so we should be far away from civilization at this point. The last thing I want is for civilians to show up in the crossfire. Or show up and take videos.

Before the car was completely stopped, I jump out and roll onto the grass. As soon as I get to my feet I start running in the opposite direction of the car, so that the demons get far away from Sigjon.

As soon as I felt that I was far away enough, I turn around and see the demons, some on the ground and some still in the air. They were all surrounding me, slowly trying to encase me.

"Ren Fitch," I hear one of the demons say in a gruff, deep voice. He sounded like he needed a throat lozenge. Like, at least cough before you speak. "Come with us. Our master has been anxious to meet you. Come with us. Come meet your destiny."

I don't know if it was the adrenaline or me not knowing how to act appropriately when faced with this situation, but I just started laughing. Loudly. The demons all look confused.

"Are you serious?" I say still laughing. "That was so cryptic! Did you have to plan that or did it just come natural to you?"

The demons are all staring at each other, not sure what to do with me. I don't know what to do with me either. I am laughing in the face of danger. I am such an idiot.

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