Chapter 13

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Frigg left after the movie was over. But of course, she couldn't leave without threatening me. She said if I don't sort out my feelings, she would be back later to sort them out for me. I don't want to think about what she meant by that.

After that, I was alone with my thoughts for the rest of the night. Tomorrow I was meeting with Sigjon to go hiking. How am I going to act around him tomorrow knowing I feel more for him than I thought I did? I know I need to act like everything is normal, but I am afraid that watching my actions too much that it will make me even more awkward than I already am.

For the rest of the night I laid in bed thinking about Sigjon. I can admit it. I like him. But even if I try to do something about it, I highly doubt that he will like me in the same way. I mean, he is so handsome, and I am so not on his level.

But Sigjon. Sigjon.

I really am hopeless.

After whacking it (damn it felt amazing after not doing it in a while) I fell asleep.

Then it was morning.

Sigjon was going to be here in three hours to take me to Vaglaskógur Forest, and I am panicking.

Okay this is happening. I am seeing Sigjon after just realizing I have feelings for him only hours ago.

I shake in the shower; I shake while drinking my coffee; I shake while I put my clothes on. The hours are going by so slowly.

After some time, I hear my phone vibrate. I pick it up expecting it to be Sigjon saying he was here, but it was Frigg.

Frigg: Don't over think too much today. Have fun and be yourself. Love you!

Yeah, sure. Don't worry about today. That is easier said than done. I give her a quick reply and at the same time, I hear a car horn beep. I open the door and see Sigjon's car outside of the building.

I take a deep breath and down a shot of vodka that I poured myself an hour ago, just in case I needed it.

Ugh, am I really doing morning vodka right now? I suck.

I go out the door and try to bounce casually down the stairs. But my backpack gets caught on part of the railing and I went down the last flight of stairs. Then land on my ass. Well, isn't that just fucking amazing. At least I know how today is going to go for me. Fuck my life.

I start to stand up, when I suddenly feel Sigjon's hands on my arm. I didn't even hear him leave the car. He helps me brush the shavings of ice off my clothes and I try to avoid eye contact.

"I can't trust you to stand on your own two feet can I?" Sigjon says jokingly.

"I know. It's amazing I was able to survive for this long."

Sigjon chuckles at that, and walks me over to the passenger seat of the car and opens it for me.

"Hopefully, you won't fall on our hike today. If you do, don't worry. I will be there to catch you."

I am blushing furiously in my seat as I watch Sigjon walk to the driver's side of the car. I begin to think that, for the sake of my dignity, I should fake being sick and get out of the car right now. Obviously, I can't be as casual as I thought I could be today. Maybe I need more time.

Before I could hop out of the car and run down the street, Sigjon was in the car and we were driving out of Akureyri.


The forest wasn't really a forest. I mean, it did have trees and stuff, but you couldn't really get lost in it. Usually when you think of forests, you think of some place where, if you make one wrong turn, you are gone forever. Regardless, it was still really impressive. Nothing like I have ever seen before.

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