Chapter 10

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So when do you want our first practice? Kousei texted Sakura. Even though he wasn't even close to being ready with any of the songs, he sightread the easy parts so they could do something. Mostly Kousei wanted her to explain each piece so he would know what to expect.

About half and hour later, Sakura responded: I could do tomorrow after school. I'm going to be in the 3rd music room working on the application. Let me know if it works for you!

Kousei was free at that time, so he responded with a yes. Then he got up to meet Tsubaki and Watari at the park.

When he got there, he was the first one there, which made him think of that one April when he met Kaori for the first time. He was the first one there then. But he wasn't a third wheel, or a compound third wheel with Tsubaki here. And speaking of which, Tsubaki showed up next.

"Hey! Where's Watari?"

"He lives a little farther away than you, so naturally he'd come later."

The two talked for a bit about teachers they liked and didn't like when Watari came running up.

"Hey! *pant pant* Speaking of who you like and don't like, I have a proposition for us!"

"Watari!" Tsubaki yelled. "We were talking about teachers, not crushes!"

"Oh, I was wondering why you said 'homework' in the conversation," said Watari, regaining his breath.

"What's that you said about a proposition?" asked Kousei.

"Right! So I've been hanging out a lot with Akari, and I want to go on a date with her. And since Tsubaki has been talking about Satoshi and Kousei about that accompanist, I thought we should do a group date!"

Tsubaki was the first to respond. "That's crazy talk! We're not at that stage yet! I don't want to risk anything! I want our first date to be us two, anyways."

"And I literally MENTIONED Sakura once to you,"  Kousei protested, "and you suddenly think that I should ask her out just because I have her phone number?"

"YES! Exactly! This will be awesome! Tsubaki, it will get you to that stage without it being awkward because it's a group date! It will still be a very memorable first date! And Kousei, just ask her as a friend for the fun of it! You can add 'girl' to the front of 'friend' later," Watari said with a wink. "Plus I can finally meet this Sakura chick of yours."

Tsubaki and Kousei were both stunned silent. "I'll take that as a yes, then!" Watari exclaimed. "Start calling the partners! Fun times are just around the corner!" as Watari pulled out his own phone.

"Wait, like right now??" Tsubaki complained. "Satoshi is at practice still, and even afterwards, he will want to cool down."

"And speaking of practice, I'm supposed to meet up with Sakura tomorrow after school, so I should just wait until then."

"Perfect!" exclaimed Watari. "In person means less of a chance she will say no, but I mean there was already a low chance of that already, you know?"

"You don't even know if Kousei is going to chicken out, though. Or me."

Watari sighed. "Well would you rather ask them yourself or have me ask for you? I'm sure to say something a lot more embarrassing on your behalf."

"No, no! We're fine! We got this, right Tsubaki?"

"Yep. Just give me a few days at most."

"Sure thing! Just don't chicken out, ok?" Watari said.

They spent the rest of their time together in the park that evening talking about what to do for their group date, then the conversation somehow morphed into popsicle stick lotteries. Funny how conversations go...

Shout-outs to anyone who noticed the third music room (音楽三部屋) as their practice room!! #ouranhshc

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