Chapter 6

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To anyone struggling to write, I have this pro tip I've been using. I write the story on my phone and go back and forth from writing a few more chapters on my phone to transcribing them on my computer. That way, you can make edits and change a few things as you transcribe.

Only downside is that I am realizing that I am a horrible writer. And editing isn't changing it much. Ugh. But I write better chapters now! I'm on chapter 20 on my phone right now and they do get longer and better (I think).

Better action here (and by action I mean dialogue) :|

Kousei sat across the room from Sakura in biology. They usually chatted before and after class just to talk about random things. It seemed they were making a solid friendship because they didn't really know anybody else at school. Neither would have ever guessed that a friendship would catch from that small spark.

When Kousei walked into the room a few minutes before the start of class, Sakura was nowhere to be seen. He sat down at his desk looking through his binder for some homework to turn in. He got up to put it on the teacher's desk which everyone else was doing. Walking back to his desk, he saw Sakura standing/leaning on his desk with her arms folded, looking at him contently.

As he approached his desk, Sakura gave him space so he could sit down, then sat down herself at the next desk over. "What's up?" asked Kousei.

Sakura was silent for a bit before saying, "I have a favor to ask you."

"You don't have to look so glum about it. What is it?"

"Um, well, I was kinda hoping you would be my accompanist for a competition."

Kousei grinned. "Haha, of course I will! What, you think I was going to say no?"

Sakura looked towards the ground. "Yeah, actually."

"Oh come on, it can't be that hard, right?

When Sakura didn't respond immediately and kept looking at the ground in shame, Kousei tried to ask what the problem was, but the teacher cut off all of the talking in the room to start the lesson. Sakura walked back to her seat without looking back. That's when Kousei started to get slightly worried. Is there some sort of side effect for this or something? he thought.

In the middle of the lecture, the kid next to Kousei handed him a folded piece of paper. Kousei was far enough away from the teacher so he could read it without causing a scene. The note had a phone number written on it, as well as: "I'll explain everything. It's ok to say no."

After a quick glance, he could tell that Sakura wasn't going to even try looking back at him. So Kousei focused on the lesson until class was over. She left the room before Kousei had the chance to get her attention and talk to her.

I've already said that I basically put myself in the story as Sakura. So you guys probably know a lot about me already. Usually it isn't the students calling me "[my name] of all trades", but my music teachers and parents. But it is both the teachers/parents and the other students in this story. Haha, the way my brain likes to imagine things...

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