Chapter 18

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Kousei's blush extended to his lower neck, and it was still a nonexistent color. The next 30 seconds were a blur for him as Sakura was getting the photo from Watari's phone onto hers.

"Well he hasn't rejected me yet, so I would call this a success!" she said to Watari. She ran over to Kousei and grabbed his hand, snapping him out of his tance. "Come on!" she said to him. "I got to get home. The subway trains also close soon." She pulled Kousei towards the exit where everyone else was waiting after everyone said goodbye to each other.

They were quickly stuck in the crowd's mass exodus out of the festival. Sakura was uncomfortably pushed against Kousei because of all the people, but the more she thought about it, she realized it wasn't uncomfortable at all. She took her time listening to Kousei's heartbeat while the crowd was very slowly moving.

Kousei also enjoyed her leaning against himself. When a soft breeze blew her kimono, Kousei practiced being brave and offered his jacket, which she accepted.

There was an awkward silence for about 10 minutes until they were able to get on the subway home. Sakura broke the silence.

"So, uh, practice tomorrow?"

Kousei glanced at her. "Tomorrow is Sunday."

She chuckled nervously in response. "Oh right. I forgot. Sorry." She looked down at her feet for a while.

Kousei finally released his breath he didn't know he was holding. "I'm sorry Sakura. You know me, I'm just not good with relationship stuff, so sorry if I'm being awkward about all of this."

Sakura shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. I shouldn't have pushed myself so hard on you."

"No, that's not it!" Kousei explained. "I really do like you! A lot, actually." Sakura looked up at him. "It's just that I'm not really good at taking the initiative. I can return a hug or kiss, sometimes, but I can't start one."

Sakura seemed quite a bit relieved. "Oh, that makes sense." She chuckled lightly. "I've known you for a while now so I guess I should have known that."

Their subway stop came up suddenly so they both hurried to get off. They walked parallel with the silence to Sakura's house, holding hands.

"I really did have a good time tonight, Kousei. Thank you."

"Oh, uh, of course!"

"And don't worry about being the one to take the initiative. It's no big deal."

"I could certainly try, though. Maybe at the doorstep?"

Sakura stopped at the lamppost suddenly. Kousei stopped when she stopped. "Actually," she blushed, "can you try it here? My mom and maybe my sister are probably looking out the window right now and they would flip if they saw us holding hands or anything like that." She scratched her cheek lightly, looking off to the side.

Kousei took a few hesitant steps towards her under the light of the lamppost. "Uh, I mean, if you really want me to..."

"I just said it's no big deal. So if you really don't want to..."

"And I just said I could try." He sighed. "I just need to show you that it isn't a one-sided relationship or anything."

Kousei sighed nervously and shuffled a few inches towards her. When Sakura's body language showed that she was clearly ok with this, he brought his arm towards her hand. He then changed his mind and brought it close to her cheek, then decided to just keep his hands at his side. But right before he fully dropped his hand, Sakura brought his hand towards her cheek and held it here.

"It's ok," she whispered. "Just show me how you feel."

Those words brought unspeakable courage to Kousei which enabled him to close the gap between them and kiss her spot on.

Sakura melted into the kiss and brought her other hand to the back of his head. Both lost sense of time as they enjoyed each other's closeness under the light in the dark of the night.

After a long moment, they slowly separated from each other but still remained close.

Kousei smiled sheepishly. "Let's hurry before your mom gets worried," he said.

Sakura nodded as they both finished walking to her house which was just a couple meters away.

She reached her doorstep and stepped inside. Turning around, she fully bowed towards Kousei. "Thank you so much for tonight." She stood back up again. "I will always remember it."

Now's the part where you say "I love you." You can do this, Kousei. You can do this. You can, you, uh, probably shouldn't. I mean her mom and sister are probably listening in. Will she tell them about what happened tonight?

Kousei just smiled in return and offered a small bow. With that, Sakura said, "See you Monday," and closed the door.

After she closed the door, Kousei whispered, "I love you." He sighed and started to head back to his own place. Kousei pulled out his phone while walking to call Watari and tell him what happened. Gosh, he would go crazy over this sort of thing. Just like in a shoujo manga.

If you are anything like my older sister, just stop cringing at the clicheness of it all and enjoy it!! I mean, come on! What's not to like about a lamppost scene? <3

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