Chapter 1

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I honestly have no idea what my writing schedule is, so don't expect much. I can tell you that I have 16 chapters written down on my phone, I just don't know when I'll be able to transfer it all. Plus I realize that the majority of people read fanfiction when it is already done.

Sakura Nakamura was many things that often contradicted each other. She was introverted and extroverted. Happy and moody. Generous and selfish. Disciplined and unfocused. She always got completely different results whenever she took a personality test. Even the instruments she played were opposites. Viola and clarinet. Piano and organ. Soprano and alto. How she made it into Kasukabe High School, no one may know.

Her parents and teachers all greatly despised her for playing many instruments. It took a lot of money to purchase so many instruments, even if they were just student quality. And then there was the cost of lessons. Because of the family's somewhat-low income, she only received a few instruments and no lessons. Sure, she was definitely gifted. She had to be in order to learn so many different ways of producing music on her own, without a teacher to help.

During the summer, Sakura worked hard to get up to the level that Kasukabe High would expect. It was almost a miracle that her auditions were good enough. She really didn't want to be behind, so Sakura focused really hard over the summer to improve her skills in all instruments. She rarely even went outside for a break. If she had, she would have definitely noticed Kousei, Tsubaki, and Watari all taking noisy walks around town.

Kousei worked on his piano skills during the summer as well, but not as hard. Tsubaki and Watari also loosely practiced softball and soccer. But they always made hangouts a regular thing. It seemed nothing would separate them.

Once August was coming to a close, the leaves started to change color a lot quicker, as if the seasons was reminding them that it was time to get with the new program quickly. Sakura worried a lot about orientation, especially since she was in an introverted phase then. Kousei, not so much. Being around his favorite people in the world made him feel like he was always protected, even if they were on different campuses.

And so, orientation began.

I'm pretty sure you can guess who I am in this story now. Saves me from typing an awkward introduction. Oh, and I promise it gets better, you know, involving more of the original characters. The story is actually mostly from Kousei's point of view while being in third person.

So if Sakura is someone you can kind of relate to, just treat it as a Kousei x reader story. I honestly don't like the y/n stuff anyways in that kind of stuff, so this might help ease the reading!!

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