Chapter 25

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I heard they are releasing you from the hospital today. Come to the park by my house as soon as you can.

When Sakura read that text, she felt like it sounded urgent and was compelled to go, not even thinking about skipping out. Kousei has rarely asked for a favor from her.

Before releasing her at about noon, the doctor reassured her that the situation about living under an abusive mother will shortly be resolved. He also gave her a list of several professional counselors to choose from and ordered her to have regular visits every other week minimum. Finally, a large bottle of pills was handed to her with the instructions to take one every evening.

With that, Sakura left on her own two feet, grateful that her stay in the hospital was less than a week, compared to other patients that have a more permanent stay. She felt rejuvenated and alive once more, and it wasn't just because of all the drugs they gave her. She was determined to be her usual happy self so everyone around her would know what to expect from her.

The hospital was quite a ways away from the park, but she walked quickly to the subway determined to get there as fast as she could. She shot Kousei a quick text explaining what time she would get there.

About 15 minutes later, she walked through the large park trying to find any sign of Kousei. It took several minutes of walking and searching, but she eventually found Kousei sitting on a crowded picnic blanket filled with lots of food as well as two of his friends that were on the group date earlier.

Kousei waved to her when she was still a few meters away, approaching the blanket. Tsubaki and Watari waved as well when seeing her approach.

"Hey guys! What's all this?"

Tsubaki patted the empty spot next to her. "It's your congratulations-on-becoming-boyfriend-and-girlfriend lunch party!" she said.

"Any friend of Kousei is a friend of ours," said Watari. "So we're all using this time to become the best group of friends this world has ever seen!"

Kousei smiled at her. "A picnic seemed like a great first hangout, so I organized it as soon as I heard you were coming out of the hospital."

"Kousei told us everything, and we all agreed that you need better friend," added Tsubaki. "We're the best group for that, so get used to us quick!"

Sakura couldn't believe what she was hearing! She looked to Kousei, who only nodded in return, grinning. "You've tried making friends in choir, band, orchestra, and all those other music groups," he said. "Maybe you should try non-music kids. It worked for me with Tsubaki and Watari, and I'm pretty sure it will work for you," he said while looking to Tsubaki and Watari for approval.

Sakura smiled bigger than she ever had in her life. "Well, I hope this works out," she said, finally sitting down on the picnic blanket.

They all ate and chatted in the park for at least two hours. Everyone was having a good time laughing and joking around. They all acted like they've been friends for a long time, and that made Sakura the happiest.

Eventually, Watari and Tsubaki called it good and returned home. Kousei and Sakura stayed and laid on the picnic blanket, looking at the blue sky in silence.

Sakura broke that silence. "Thank you, Kousei Arima."

Kousei smiled even though she was looking at the sky instead of him. "You're welcome." A quick breeze later, he said, "Are you happy now?"

"Yes." Sakura got up on her shoulder to look at Kousei slightly from above. "And I know it's going to last for a long time, thanks to you."

Kousei got up on his shoulder, his face now an inch from hers. "You're not lying anymore, are you?"

"I would never." She kissed his forehead lightly. "I really am happy because of you."

By that point, words couldn't express their feelings. Sakura leaned in a little bit, and so did Kousei. They kissed simply at first, then Sakura rolled over on top of Kousei so she had the higher ground this time.

Kousei wasn't going to be the submissive one today! He stuck his tongue out slightly so she couldn't kiss his lips. Then when she used her tongue, Kousei kissed wide enough to get her tongue and lips. Her soft breath ticked his face, which began to relax him. He then grabbed her waist from behind to hold her closer to him.

Since Kousei's back was to the ground, Sakura had to use her hands to grab the back of his head, bringing him as close to her as possible so she could kiss every part of him as possible.

That scene went on for a while as the wind continued to blow by and the shade continued to conceal them from the sun. They both didn't stop for quite a while to show each other that they would always be there for each other.

Kousei: There can be no doubt about it now. I love Sakura. I could say that a million times and it still won't be enough. Sakura is the most precious person on this earth to ever live, and I am so grateful that she came into my life. Now that I know her, I cannot imagine a life without her. I love you even after I'm dead, Sakura Nakamura.

Sakura: I can't remember my life before you barged in. If I can, it all seems so dull. It's like I've put on color enhancing glasses. You have changed my life for the better in so many ways! For that, I am forever in your debt. The only favor I have left to ask of you is that you stay by my side forever and ever. I love you so much, Kousei Arima.

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