Part 1: Plans

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Lia, my very best chumette and me were doing our usual anti-social thing this saturday night. Curled up on one of our beds shovelling jaffa cakes into our mouths with a varied other things, like oreos. We were also wasting precious studying time watching youtube videos and scrolling instagram and facebook. At this very point in time we were watching a new episode of the Yogsacast Tekkit, Rythians series. It was the first of season 2 and we were just casually crying and saying things to the computer screen like ''Don't be sad Rythian!!'' and ''Go get goddang Zoey back!''. We're funny like that, normal people are in love with celebrities and bands. However, surprsingly(not.),  not us.

I was just saying that to Lia, my beautiful and slender bruneete head, with a naturally pretty face and adorable laugh.

''Imagine meeting the wowzee wow wow''

''I would die.'' Lia sighed. ''Oh that reminds me! Ive been causally stalking the yogscasts tweets , and the Yogscast are doing a meetup; even Sips and Rythian!'' she said excitedly. ''It's in Bristol of course, so there is no way we could be there.'' Lia said sighing again. ''A meetup? wow. Thats actually so awesome!'' I said my face stretching into a smile.

''What do you mean we cant go? Bristol is'nt far..its just a few trains...and er, streets and stuff. Hey, where is the meetup?'' I asked looking at her wide-eyed. She told me, and i started typing the address into google maps. It was a shopping street, i thought we could get there easy peasy. However, even though im 20 still terrified of getting the train, in case we get lost. Obviously.

''Do you think we could do it?'' Lia suddenly said putting me out of my train-of-thought. (Im so funny, im the pun queen. Hahahaha. No.)

''Err, maybe..i guess. what date is it?''

''Its in 2 weeks, the 26th of november.''

''2 weeks? Are you cereal?'' M stomach was now doing backflips by now. ''We''ll have to work extra hard then i suppose.''

''What do we need money for?'' Lia said in a rare moment of dumbness, she just has these moments sometimes when what she says does'nt filter through her brain making her sound like a total dummy.

''Train tickets, bus fare..meals, and Yogscast merch of course!'' I said pushing her off the bed giggling. 

''Hrrmmff. I know, but why do we need to work extra hard?'' She said grumpily.

''Cus its gunna be a lot of money and work is tight 'member?''

Me and Lia and studying at Uni right now, but we have 5 weeks off for studying, and work. And we have to still pay for uni too. Not to mention rent. We live in a dorm 10 minutes away from the university. I say dorm-its just a 4 bedroom house really, we live here with 6 other girls working hard together to keep a place whilst we study and try to get a good future. We got lucky too- they're all pretty  nice and we work together as a team, when needed. There is this one girl..well, her and her mate.  Kirsten and Judith, who will do anything and everything to ruin our lives.

So yeah, we all have our little jobs to do. Lia and i work in this cute little cafe' for minimal wage, and Lia also helps her mum in a sandwhich shop. Not the best jobs but it gets us the money. 

So anywho..

''We probs need about £100 each..just in case.'' I told Lia, my brain ticking. Who knows, we might need more.

''£100? sure..i guess'' She said rolling off the bed and grabbing her ohone that was charging by the wall, she was probably texting some boy.

''So we gonna do this then?''I asked her, roughly pulling my hair into plaits for bed.

''Well its not official, but i will definetly be working harder'' Lia replied giggling. This is awesome! I wanted to go now. ''Can we go now Lia?'' I said giggling, smiling to myself evily. ''No.'' Lia said pulling off her fluffy socks and throwing them at me. 

''Put a movie onnn mummy.'' I said to Lia who was getting up laughing. Yes, i call her mummy sometimes because if im ever upset or worried she acts like one. Stroking my head and telling me its gonna be okay. We've been best friendys since we both started secondary school, which is a long time, with few arguments. Its a rare thing to have a friendship this close nowadays, but we've kept it together. Anyways Lia huffed and put on Resident evil 4.  We both snuggled down in our own beds, pulling up hoodies around our heads because its England and its freezing. To make matters worse, the heating was'nt working in our house. Im pretty sure we're all going to die of pneumonia.

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