Chapter 14: First Mission

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Third POV

"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Fei, I'm at point D."

"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

"You're slow Naruto. Okay, squad 7...huh?" the target began to rustle the bushes before moving, "The target has moved! Follow it!"

Everyone moved forward, quickly finding a place behind a tree and looking at the target. Fei readied herself to grab at the target.

"What's your distance from the target?" Sensei asked us.

"5 meters. I'm ready, just give the signal," Naruto said.

"Right, ready when you guys are," Fei responded.

"I'm ready, too," Sasuke said.

"So am I," Sakura stated.

"Okay..." he waited for a moment, then yelled, "Now!"

"Hah!" Naruto yelled out, grabbing the cat.

"I got 'em! I got 'em!" he said. It started scratching him furiously. Fei grabbed the cat and held it properly, giving it a pet behind the ear. She shifted it towards Sakura, and let her pet it as well. They started gushing towards the cat.

"It's so cute!"

"Yeah, I wish I could get one, but Natsume's allergic."

"Can you verify a ribbon on the right ear?" Kakashi asked

"Affirmative. We got a positive ID." Sasuke confirmed, looking at the cat once more.

"Right. Lost pet Tora: captured. Mission accomplished."

"CAN WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS?! I HATE CATS!" Naruto yelled all of a sudden, startling everyone. Fei jumped and accidentally crushed the cat a little, making it hiss.

"Gah! I'm sorry, Tora! WHY DID YOU YELL?!" Fei asked, stroking the cat to calm it down.

"Cause this is stupid! Why can't we get a real mission?!" he yelled again, Sakura rushed up to him.

"Idiot! Stop talking on the mic!" she yelled, hitting him on the head. He clutched his head and I sweatdropped.

"Alright, everyone relax. Let's go," Kakashi stated bored, walking away. Everyone started to follow him.

"Naruto, you wanna pet the cat again?" Fei asked. He turned away, only pointing at the scratches on his face.

"Awe, come on! Give him a second chance!"

"Agh! No!" he backed away in fear as Fei pushed the cat closer.

She chuckled and turned towards Sasuke, "What about you?"

He grunted, shaking his head. Fei rolled her eyes, "Come on, lighten up a little. Maybe petting the cat will take the stick out of your..." she mutters the last part softly, so it could only be heard by them. Sasuke turned to her with a glare, understanding what she meant. She grinned and responded by leaning the cat against his arm, "Come on...please?"

"Hn...Fine. If it will get you to leave me alone..." he petted the cat, the cat purred and leaned more towards him before jumping towards him. They both looked shocked, and Fei assumed he was a cat magnet, too.

"I guess you have cats following you too..." she said, handing him the cat. Before he could respond, she walked away towards Naruto. He groaned and continued to pet the purring cat.


"Oh! My poor little Tora! Mommy was worried about your poor, little, furry face, YES~!"

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