Chapter i

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A/N this is my first glee fanfic and writing...yikes

"Ms Pierce, your rent is over due, if you don't pay by next month then I'm gonna have to kick you out," said the old landlord. He wasn't a mean person Brittany thought he is just doing his job. The blonde woman nodded and hurried herself to her apartment to save her from people seeing her cry. Brittany has been working at this lousy job and it pays no good and now she is gonna get Evicted. She always had friends to stay with, but she hated having to ask friends to stay with them and feel like a burden.

After a 20 min cry session, she decided to look for a better job. She pulled out her phone and began to scroll for high paying job, that don't require much. She stopped when she saw a job paying, 10,000 every other week? Brittany began to read the job description and turns out all she has to do is assist. The tall blonde began filling an application so that nobody takes her spot. Brittany needed this job, badly.

Britt was woken by a sudden ringtone, it was her fondue for two theme. She picked the phone to see an unknown number and hoped it was the job she desperately needed. "Hello?" She answered a little raspy sense she still just woke up. "Hello? Ms.Pierce, I'm here to talk about the Job?" A young lady says on the other line. "Yes I am aware, did I get the job?" Brittany said a little worried on why they called so soon. "All I know is Ms Lopez wants to meet you today for a upfront interview, do you think you can make it today at...3:34?" The lady on the other line questioned. "Yes I'll be there!" I say a little too excited. "Alright then, have a good day." The lady says hanging up the phone before britt could tell her to have a good day too.

Brittany rushed to go take a shower and find out what to wear. She picked out a black pencil skirt and a white long sleeve blouse. The girl looked to see the time and saw it was only 2:20, that's enough time.

After waiting another hour, Britt headed out the door not wanting to be late. She puts the address in her gps and follows her way to the Lopez Interprice. The moment Brittany gets there she is amazed by her big the building it. The now nervous girl tries to build up the courage to head inside. Once she enters she looks at the clock on the wall and see it's 3:30. She nods happy with her timing and walks to the front desk.

"I'm here to meet, uh, Ms. Lopez?" The blonde says nervously trying to make eye contact with the receptionist, but failing miserable. "Yes she is fifth floor."

"Thank you." Britt says walking to the elevator. She makes it to the fifth floor and walks down the halls and sees a name by a door saying 'Lopez'. Brittany smiles eagerly before knocking three time on the door. "Come in." She hears a raspy but smooth and sexy voice call. Brittany takes a big gulp and opens the door.

"Hello, I'm-"

"Ms.Pierce, yes I know." The woman says standing in front of her desk. This made Brittany weak, it was pretty dim but Britt was able to make out the woman, she was a few inches shorter, had silky raven hair, and her body had curves in all the right places. "You can shut the door now." The woman says coldly. Brittany does as she is told as if she was a servant. "I went over your resume, pretty impressive." The woman says sitting on her desk gesturing for the blonde lady to sit down in the chair in front of her.

"Uh so..did I...get the job?" The blue eyes girl asked, this woman made her nervous and didn't know why. "Well I don't know yet, tell me about yourself." Ms Lopez said, crossing her legs. "Everything about me is on my resum-"

"Everything you put for others is on that resume. Tell me truly about you." Me Lopez says smiling at the blue eyed girl. She had piercing white teeth, Brittany almost gasped at the shining, fangs the showed. Brittany swore she almost believed vampires exist.

"I..I uh..I have a cat, I need this job.. my uh three months layed..." Brittany doesn't know why she just told this lady about her issue. The taller girl almost felt like crying again about her Situation but had to hold it back.

Ms. Lopez almost felt bad for the girl but she couldn't let that be shown. "So you have a cat?" The raven haired woman asked, Brittany just nodded like an idiot. "His name is lord tubbington." This made the shorter woman laugh a little. "What about you?" Brittany says not even noticing what she is saying.

"What about me?"

"If you are gonna be my boss shouldn't I know more about you?" The blonde suggested, she saw the raven head look a little shocked at the question, but nodded. "What would you like too know?" Ms.Lopez asked, "well ms.lopez, what made you so rich?" The blonde ask trying to think of something.

"It was my fathers company before he passed away, and please call me Santana." Santana told the girl, "how did he pass?" The blonde felt to ask.

"Murder." Santana said turning her head not to look at the blonde woman and hold her tears. It wasn't until she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and hug her tightly. "I understand my parents are also gone, I shouldn't have asked," The blonde interject.

Santana has to try and control herself, she couldn't allow herself so close to her or else she could harm her, or worst the girl could find out and harm Santana. The raven hair didn't notice it now but the blonde gives off a scent, of honesty and love. Santana has never smelled this scent, it was always negative...she slightly move to let the taller girl go. "Sorry it just felt right." Brittany explained, Santana nodded in understanding.

"So uhmn- do I have the job?" Brittany said nervously laughing scared the hug ruined it.

Santana stood for awhile and thought it over, "see you here at 8am every morning but weekends," The raven hair said walking back to her desk chairs. The blonde pumped her fist in the air in happiness earning a small laugh but Santana making Brittany blush a little. "Uh thank you for your time, Uh..Santana." Brittany says rushing out the room before she embarrassed herself.

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