How far we come

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Britt POV

This was killing Brittany, she hasn't seen Santana in two days. Quinn refuses to let her irrationally go to hunters or they would kill her, but she couldn't hold back. She saw Sam in the lobby of the Lopez building which Quinn was also taking care of at the moment til they had a plan to get the Latina back.

Brittany rush to San and pinning him to the wall. "Where is she!" The blonde yelled not giving a wet monkeys ass who heard.

"Who?" Sam asked nearly shitting himself from how strong the blonde was. He still had no clue she was a vampire so all he knew this girl was just strong.

"Santana! Where is Santana?!" The female blonde yelled and all she saw was him laugh a little which caused a punch to the face. "Where is she?" She said not letting him go.

"She is still alive...but don't get involved B, you maybe strong but you'll die trying to save her," he said coldly releasing himself from her grip.

"She gave herself to me willingly and now we'll she's a slave for the hunters, I told her to stay away from you but she just wouldn't listen-"

"Sam Just give Santana back!"

"I can't do that l-"

Before Sam would finish Brittany was ready to pounce but was stopped when Quinn called her name into the Lopez office.

"I think Finn can get us in the hunters place but it's gonna be risky...I don't need you going crazy and ruining it," Quinn said sitting in the latinas chair.

"That's her chair...This is her office..."Santana's lover said feeling tears swell in her eyes.

"I know...and we are gonna get her back," Quinn said walking to the blonde and comforting her.

It was Friday and Finn was luring us to the mansion the hunters lived. "Ugh it's like a frat house," Rachel scoffed looking at all the boys and some females inside drinking and partying

"Puck is here so he will be able to let us in," everyone nodded.

Puck was a vampire but he hid as a hunter and was pretty good at it. Finn and pick are the reason Santana was still alive and only a maid for the hunters.

Brittany and the rest got inside through the back where no one was at and they made their way in the garage. "I know you guys don't wanna but you gotta wear these outfits also Britt and Q you guys wear a mask so Sam doesn't recognize you two," puck stated. The boys wear was boxers a bow tie and rabbit ears while the girls was a black lingerie with bunny ears. It was like a playboy mansion and it kinda made the tall blonde feel uncomfortable.

"Umm I don't think I can wear the...girls outfit..." Brittany knee she couldn't tuck in a shirt tight outfit it just wouldn't work.

"What do you mean Britt?" Kurt asked.

"I'm..I'm actually intersex..."

Everyone looked shocked but puck just nodded and handed an extra boy outfit for Brittany but still gave her a mask and too piece of the girls outfit.

"Guys we got entertainment! And this one got something packin so ladies shoot ya shot!" Puck shouted he felt bad for exposing the blonde but if he had to get the people's attention. Brittany tried to look and see if she noticed anyone but only saw Sam who was drunk cheering. "Lemme see the tall blonde chick!" A girl with light brown hair yelled.

Brittany felt someone else looking at her and when she looked she knew who it was Santana, she was sitting in a girls lap and looked uncomfortable there. She looked confused as if she was trying to figure who The blonde was out but She couldn't let anyone know yet.

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