Chapter VII

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A/N: I rewrote the first two chapters about Sam and his role in the story


Sam was casually walking in the building when he heard yelling from the other side of Santana's door. He got nosey and started to eavesdrop what and heard the words he needed to hear, vampire.

Sam lost his parents when he was a child, to those exact creatures and made it his job to hunt every last one down. Little did he know his boss was a vampire, but boss or not it wasn't gonna stop him from doing what he felt was right. He heard someone walk towards the door and quickly ran around the corner.

Santana pov

I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation me and Britt had it's been two weeks since the conversation and tho me and her gained our friendship back, she still hasn't decided, maybe making her choose was a bad idea...I shouldn't have forced that on her, I surely didn't get a choice so why am i punishing her?

I quickly get my phone to call Brittany until I hear a booming knock on my door. I got up from the bedroom and walked to the main door and opened to only see Sam... "hey Santana, can I come in?" He ask, he seemed off, I can smell it. I nod letting him in, "you know Brittany is a really good person?" He asked sitting on the couch, "yea...I know, why do you mention her?" I ask standing behind the couch. "Just Britt doesn't need anything ruining her." He says coldly,

"Sam are you talking about my sexuality?" I ask kinda getting irritated with this homophobic shit, "no, and I think you know what I'm talking about." It doesn't hit me til I realize me and Brittany conversation two weeks ago, "I swear I needa sound proof my office..." I drift off, "I'll make a deal with you, stay away from her and I won't have the hunters take your body and dismantle it into bits." He says coldly getting up from the couch, "I could kill you right now." I say scowl at him, this man comes in my home and threatens me, "maybe, but don't forget that thousands of hunters are just waiting for Ms.Lopez to make the wrong move." He says about to walk out the door.

"Just leave her alone, and call off your little deal you made with her," He says walking out. As soon as he walked out I felt myself fall to ground. Karma really is a bitch, why couldn't I have trusted her and just told her, hey I like you too, and human or not I may even start to love you? Was it really that hard?

It was the next day for work and I knew I'd have to avoid Brittany or atleast in any friendly way. I walked in and saw here early I guess to finish the work from yesterday. "Hey." I say feeling guilt wash over me, "hey you," she say smiling but she notice the guilt and walks towards me, "what's wrong?" She ask, I shake my head telling her nothing is wrong and walk to my desk. I need to tell her the deal is off, it was wrong for me to do in the first place.

"Hey I need-" we both said at the same time, "you go first," I tell her looking at my papers laying on my desk.

"I thought about the decision...Santana everytime we hang out, everytime we talk and I realize more and more I wanna be with you...I'm willing to give my human self up and get to spend the rest of my life with you..." the words started to slowly fade into muffles as I listened to what she just said, I feel my skin getting pale and the little life I had in me die.

"San? San! Are you okay?" I shake myself out my thought and look at her, "Britt,no it was wrong for me to make you choose, you've only known me for about three weeks, it was wrong and selfish." I state trying to get the blonde to change her mind, "but I want too, San I never felt this way about someone before!"

"Please Brittany, stop, just leave it be, Im giving you your chance to back down on a selfish decision." I say trying to focus on the work on my desk.

"San why are you acting like this! This doesn't make sense, you wanted this!" She starts yelling and I don't even have to look to know she is ready to break down, "I can't be around you anymore Brittany..." I trial off before I feel the desk shake from a slam of two white fist hitting the desk.

"No! You're just pulling the same stunt you did when you was at my house! I'm not allowing that to happen again!" Why was this girl so damn determined, why does she care, she has Sam.

"How do you think Sam will feel?" I ask feeling myself regretting even asking that question, "Sam? What does Sam have to do with this? Do you think...?" She laughs not finishing her question, "Sam is just a friend-"

"Well what if he wants more then that? I can't be around you Britt it's for the best." I say again trying to convince myself that I don't need her anymore in my life.

I watch her sigh and walk back to her desk and continue her work, then a loud knock came from the door. I sigh already irritated with myself that I can't even bare to look at another person, "come in!" I yell hearing the door slightly open, "Ms.Lopez!" I hear Sam yell greeting me with a big smile, I feel my body go pale and I can tell Brittany is also in a little shock of this trouty mouths appearance.

"Sam, what brings you here?"

"Brittany of course, I wanted to take her out for lunch you know?" He says waiting for my answer, knowing I don't really have a choice, "well is that's ok with you Ms.Pierce?" I ask looking over at Brittany who looks as if she seen a ghost. This is for the best I try to tell myself but I know it's wrong. She just nods getting out her chair and walking with Sam.

Britt POV

"Hey you haven't eaten you lunch, you ok?" I hear Sam ask grabbing my hand.

"Did you say something to Santana? She's been acting different all day..." I say hoping to get an answer, "I just told her that I had a thing for you and wanted to know if she didn't mind if I took you out?" He says smiling, god his mouth is huge... "why would she mind?" I ask taking my hand out of his, I notice his face changed when I snatched my hand back but it went back to his happy look.

"Well I don't know the way y'all two are so close I'd assume y'all had a thing for eachother..." he continues to say, I tell him me and Santana are only friends and that Santana has been avoiding me since today. I notice a little smirk on his face when I mention it and start to get irritated, i maybe dumb but something is definitely off. Who smiles at hearing someone's friends avoiding them?

I swear if it's the last thing I do I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

A/N my motivation to write this is dead, but like I said I changed sams role from chapter 2 to be more antagonistic because we need one of those to fulfill a good vampire story

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