Chapter IV

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Brittany pov

It's the night of the party and I swear I don't know what to wear, I wanna make sure it's impressive for Santana but not to much. After me and Santana's conversation I now for certain couldn't get her out my head. I pick a blue fit dress that stops before my knees and a pair of black heels, I head to my car and drive to the office.

I head to the office and see a bunch of parked cars, I walk in a just as many cars are about as many people, it's packed. There are lights and music blasting and to the left there is a kitchen with a bar. "Brittany!" I hear a voice and turn where the voice is and see Sam in a black and white tux. "Sam! How are you!?" I yell tricky got overpower the music. "I'm good, how about you!" He yells and I nod smiling letting him know i am good, "have you seen Santana?" I ask and he Points to the bar and I see the lantina in a red dress drinking a martini. I mouth thank you but before I could leave he grabs my wrist. "Hey so about lunch?" He ask worried as if I was gonna ditch lunch. "It's still on Sam." I reassure him, he smiles and let's go if my wrist.

I walk to Santana who is obviously a little tipsy. "Hey Santana," I sat as I got her attention and she smiles a little before going back to finishing her drink. "Can I get two vodka shots?" I ask and the bartender nods. "Are you not enjoying the party?" I ask and she just looks at her drink. "It's alright..."she says messing with the rim of her drink, "Santana." I say stern and she looks at me and it looks as if she has been crying. "Have you been crying at a party??" I asked more confused then ever, "today's the day he past, I usually throw a party on his anniversary to kinda cheer up the mood." She states looking at her drink again, I stare in aw and put my hand on her thigh. "San, are you sure that's good to do?" I ask and she just shrugs. "Cmon let's head to your office and fix your makeup." I say taking my two shots, vodka usually gets me a little buzz.

We head up to Santana's office and I sit her on her desk and I grab a wipe out my bag and fix up under her eyes and I don't realize how close we are until I stop and we make eye contact for the millionth time this week. "Santana..." I whisper, I can't get rid of this feeling, I wanna touch her and kiss her, but I barely get a moment to think before I feel a pair of plump lips on mine.

The kiss is soft but slowly gets heated and I feel myself start caressing her waist, all was able to escape was her name and a few moans as she starts to kiss my neck and I forget everything around us, "you smell so good." I hear her say in her soft raspy voice, I moan a little more as just hearing her voice on my neck feels so good. "Brittany..." she whispers her breath hitting my neck.

"Brittany." She calls again as she starts to unzip my dress her mouth still kissing and sucking on my neck. I start to notice something sharp pick my neck and I look at Santana and her eyes her black, she's not herself. "Santana?" I try to say, but she before anything else could she said she pins me on the walls her leg between my thigh and starts thrusting it forward. I moan louder as I jerk my hips to rub more on her leg. " you are yourself." I try to snap her out of it but nothing is working. She brings my dress lower and i feel her cup my left breast and bury her face between my breast. I feel her breathing heavy and I can tell she's trying to hold herself together. Her hand goes under my bra and she pinches my left nipple squeezing and rubbing it. "San...this isn't.." I say moaning it being able to hold myself together.

Her hand touches my panties and I know she can feel how soaked I am right now. She presses on my clit through her panties and I start thrusting myself on her finger. "Let me taste you.." she says low and raspy, this isn't Santana. She pulls her head and gently gets ready to bite me until, I see a blonde girl come in. "Santana where- oh poor San." I hear Quinn say and goes to Santana. I see a brunette girl slowly walk in, "Quinn? she alright?" I hear the brunette girl say worried, "yeah she just had an urge, she must have not eaten since..." I see she freezes as I'm standing there, "it's alright I already know," I say fixing my dress. She nod and exposing her neck and letting Santana bite her. I see the brunette getting a little jealous, I guess that's her girlfriend.

After Santana finished Quinn explains that Santana hasn't eaten after her and feast with Quinn. It's Saturday so it's basically been four days since she had any blood. "Uhhmm do you mind takin her home or too your place, she can't do much right now because she is a little unconscious, she is also going to need a few days to recover,but she also needs to feast those few days too." Quinn says looking at me, I nod picking up the Latina bridal style, she isn't that heavy, she's as light as a feather really.

We make it back to my place and place her on the couch and I feel her shift a little mumble. "San? You up?" I ask rubbing her back, why hasn't she been eating, why would she do that to her? I see her open her eyes and slowly sit up. "Where are we?" She ask looking at me, "we're at my place, why haven't you been eating San?" I ask sternly, she just shrugs but I wasn't gonna take that for an answer. "Santana, why haven't you been eating?"I say with a harsher tone, I mean you would be upset too if someone who you care about wasn't eating. "I hate feeding off humans, and I don't like feeling like some monster," She says looking down at her hands. "My dad never really fed off of humans unless it was my mom or it was a must." She says holding her tears back. I go to hug her and I can smell her perfume and even sad she smells amazing, "you aren't a monster if anything your mom and those vampire killers are monsters, but not you Santana. You just got label as a monster because how misunderstood you are." I say holding her not letting go, "I'm sorry Brittany, for making you listen to these dumb stories, and and..."

Santana POV

Before I could finish my words I feel a pair of soft lips press against mine, at first I was hesitant by surprise but kiss back. We both seperate and we look into eachothers eyes, "Santana I listened because you matter, vampire or human, you still matter. Quinn also mentioned you need to feast for a few days and you can't go to work for those few days either." She explained as I nodded. "Is Quinn allowing me to feast on her?" I asked as she shakes her head no, I look at her confused wondering how im gonna get blood and I notice her getting closer and tilting my neck. "No, Britt, No I can't!" I exclaim as She grabs my hand to assure me that's it's okay, "you said vampires don't have to turn or kill to feast, so I'm giving myself to you Santana., willingly." Brittany says pecking my lips. I sigh lowly and lean her neck to the left, and I cautiously kiss and lick her neck waiting for her to back down. When I realize she isn't I get ready and prick my fangs slowly into her neck as I hear her moan loudly and squirm a little, I hold her hand to give her some comfort. Once my fangs are deep I begin to suck but not too much to hurt her, this is her first time...wanky...and I can't take to much it's a process. I release from her neck and lick my lips.

I look at Brittany who still has her eyes close and I hear her whimper a little, "Brittany I knew this was bad idea, I shouldn't have did that." I say looking down at my hands, I feel her eyes slowly look at me and I feel her caress my hand. "Santana I told you I'm giving myself to you willingly." She tells me reassure what she said from before and I look at her and smile holding her hand.

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