Chapter VIII

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Britt pov

I rushed to the office ready to demand answer, I wanted answers, no, I needed answers. Sams smirk, Santana being scared of him, none of it settled with me. I got into the office and walked to Santana, "what did Sam do?" I ask demanding, she looked at me curious, "why is it everytime you make you come in here you make an entrance?" She states finally making eye contact, and there is was...that spark I feel when Santana looks at me, that infatuation. "Sam did something that you aren't telling me," I say crossing my arms waiting for a response.

"It's none of your business."

"It is my business if it involves me not being able to be around you and having to go with Sam to lunch," I say scowl at her and I see her stand up getting annoyed. "You didn't have to go,"
"But I did." I say cutting her off from saying anything else, "San just tell me what the hell is going on?" I ask lowering my voice calming down a bit.

The Latina is very hesitant but nods, "remember those hunters, cops, I mentioned? Sam has it for me, he overhead the conversation a while back and he said if I stay away he won't have them get me..." she trails off and this irritated me, this made me want to beat that big mouthed freak in the face.

"Britt? Britt please don't do anything reckless,my life is at stake." I heard her say and felt myself laugh a little at the pun she made. "San I'm not letting him touch you, I'm not gonna stop hangin with you and meant when I said I want you to turn me, I wanna be with you Santana more then ever." I say and i see her looking at me again and our eyes lock into a deep stare. "Are you sure?" She says furrowing her brows, I nod letting her know I mean it.

The day went slowly I finally was able to go home and while I was lying on the couch watching family feud me and San would send a few funny videos and photos and finally gained our friendship back. I hear a faint knock on the door and when I went to see who it was I automatically opened it.

"Hey, what brings you two here?" I ask confused and kinda worried. "We need to hide, hunters were outside racheals door and we had to find somewhere to stay." The blonde haired girl mentions, "we can't go to Santana it would only draw attention if anyone followed us.

I look and gesture them to come in, I look and see them shuffle inside and stand beside the couch. "Do you guys need anything? Water? Food? Or can you guys not eat human food?" I ask not trying to sound rude, " I can't but racheal can, I'll just feast off of racheal for the time being." She states going to sit on the couch, "wait what's the difference between you and racheal being able to eat human food?" I ask more curious.

"Vampires who was burn this way aren't capable of eating human food, Halfings or humans who turn can still feast of food though their taste buds changed it doesn't affect them as an actual vampire." She mentioned, so Santana can eat food? Maybe I should take her out one day, maybe for a steak, I giggle at my own pun again even tho it was the sorta the same one twice in one day.

"Well racheal you want anything, food, water?" I ask and she just nods, "I hope Kurt and Blaine are ok, the hunters have been really getting big and active.." I hear racheal state holding onto Quinn as if it might be her last time being able to be with her.

"Racheal they are fine, blaines a big boy and well...Kurt is...Kurt, plus Finn is an exhunter so I'm sure he will protect them." I hear the other blonde mention, I didn't know vampires had to be so fearful for their lives. It made me wonder if Santana was ok.

I walk out the living room to call Santana and when the phone left to voicemail I started to panic, I called two more times and still nothing. "Hey guys, imma go see if San is okay, she isn't picking up, are you guys ok here alone?" I ask and they both nodded, I quickly went to my car and went to sans and hope she isn't hurt or worst dead.

I make it to sans and when I reach the door I knock a few times, nothing, "San! It's me Britt!" I exclaim hoping she will know she is safe. Just a minute we was sending videos to eachother, just a minute we was laughing at work about how dumb the workers are, just a minute I was thinking about taking her out and how funny my puns are. San please answer the door!

It wasn't til a minute later the door starts to open but it isn't San, no it's a blonde girl, but not naturally blonde. "Uhmm, who are..."

"Dani, you must be Brittany?" She asked politely letting me in, she gave off terrible vibes from that constant smile, I didn't notice it then but she was in a red silked robe. This only made me wonder where San was, "where is San?" I ask, I don't get a reply so I ask again until she points to a dark brown door.

I walk towards it and knock, "come in," I hear a raspy but smooth voice call, I open the door as my mouth literally dropped to the ground.

Santana was laying on a king sized mattress in a black silked robe but it barely did any coverage. "Oh, Britt!" She yelled covering herself up or trying too. "So this is why you never reciprocate my feelings?" I say feeling my heart sink.

"No Britt this isn't what it looks like.." she tails off, "Oh really then what is it? Because too me you're fucking with some girl!" I yell, "Britt we aren't even a couple so if I even was why does it matter?"

"Because I like you San and you think I wanna see you with someone else?"

"I'm not with someone else Britt let me explain." The latina tried to explain but I was just to mad. "No, no San, I'm really hurt."  I say ready to walk away but I feel a cold hand grab my wrist and turn me to face her.

"It's a ritual Brittany!" The Latina exclaims using music full name instead of my nickname. It hit me when I realized I confused the ritual to turning someone with sex. "Does that me we can do it right now!" I exclaimed looking at Santana eagerly, " a ritual?" She asked puzzled, I nod and she just stares at me
Santana pov

Was this girl stupid? Ritual? Right now?  Sam and his crazy hunter friends already started getting worst last thing I need is to put her in harms way. "Brittany it's too dangerous,"

"Well I wanna be turned so me and you can be together and have little vampire babies," she says sounding a little too serious, two girls can't have a child. I tell Dani to check and make sure no people, hunters, was around. I guess today is the day I turn Brittany into a vampire.

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