Chapter XI

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No pov

Brittany could swore controlling her urges was easier then she thought. She has been staying at Santana's for awhile and even got time off work to help her control herself before going back.

Santana hated seeing Britt struggle, she knows it's hard, hell even Santana can't control herself sometimes.

Santana was on her way to the blood bank when she bumped into someone, she had a disgusting smell reach her nose and knew who it was...Sam. "Hey Santana, hows it going?" She her Sam say but she could just tell he is faking that niceness. "Sam, what a surprise, what are you doing here?" She asked trying to hurry home back to her Britt Britt

"Oh? Me? I usually donate my blood every once a month..." Sam trailed, the thought of Santana drinking sans blood made her puke, like literally vomit inside her mouth. "Oh wow that's crazy," the Latina said nonchalant trying to hurrying in so she can get back home but she was rudely interrupted by the trout mouth boy.

"Have you seen Britt lately, she hasn't been picking up? I hope you didn't-"

"No Trouty mouth she's just been..." what was she suppose to say, she couldn't tell this hunter that she turned his crush into a vampire,

"She came in telling me she was sick, have you tried calling her?" She said lying through my teeth, Santana needed to play cool and just hope that these damn hunters would leave...

"Actually that's a good idea, I'll give her a call later..well imma head out, oh! And Santana don't forget our deal..." Santana shivered as the blonde boy whispered the last part in her ear as if anyone would even know what they was talking about.

Brittany POV

"I could eat a horse I SWEAR!" I shout growling under my breath, Santana is taking longer then usually and instead of being worried I feel more frustrated then anything else. "B you need to calm down, until you learn to control yourself you need to stay put and wait," Quinn said making me more frustrated, as if I didn't already know this.

I hear the door open and rush to Santana, "Thank god I'm starving!" I exclaim ready to eat, "wow no hug? No kiss?" I hear the shorter girl question rolling her eyes. "Sorry it's just this craving is driving me mad," I explain kissing her on the cheek, "thank you, really," I tell her walking to the table.

"How has she been?" The Latina ask, "desperate, she almost killed Rachel only an hour ago," Quinn explains shaking her head.

"Quinn it isn't a big deal we've all been there," Rachel says lightly laughing. "Well I wasn't," Quinn basically brags getting eye rolls from everyone.

"So what are we gonna do about the hunters and Sam?" I ask drinking the blood from the pack, leaving few blood drips on my chin, "well...." Santana starts but then licks and kisses the blood off my chin and lips, "we can kill them all," she says walking to the couch.

"SAN!" I shout, we cant kill them they are people, I'm sure they have a reason for their behavior... "I understand you don't wanna hurt no one Britt but the Hunters don't care about our wellbeing they are cruel and sick," Quinn starts and then explain how they need to be stopped.

It wasn't fair, they are just people who was taught to kill us just like how vampires was taught to kill them or be scared of them. "We can always just move somewhere-" Rachel tries to suggest but was quickly cut off,

"I'm not moving, I came here to get away from them and they only started growing when my mother...decided to snitch on my father," Santana droops her head and goes silent into her thought, Brittany knew all about Santana's mom, and how she had her father hunted, the Latina was lucky to escape.

"San...if we have to move then we HAVE too," The shorter blonde told her hoping she would understand. Santana knee that if things got serious they would have to leave as soon as possible.

"Sam asked about you Britt, I think imma take you too work for a few days to get you adjusted," my head shoots up to look at her, but I was more scared then happy. Sam knew something was up we all knew, and if Britt was to mess up she could everyone killed.

"San I don't think-"

"We don't have a choice, he slowly figuring it out, that we are still hanging out and soon he will find out that you aren't human anymore," Santana's voice went cold and our eyes locked as she just glared.

I knew I would have to go back eventually but even Santana knew it was too soon. I just nod my head and go back to drinking my blood packet.

"Well we're gonna go see you at work Monday," Rachel said as her and Quinn left Santana's place.

Santan felt bad for almost snapping at Britt, but what choice did she have, if Sam find out that Britt and her are hanging out she will die, and if he finds out she isn't human, oh you bet everyone's life is at stake.

Santana refuse to let them hunters win, she was gonna kill who the leader of this little hunting operation and put an end to this game once and for all if it's the last thing she does.

"San are you coming to bed?" The Latina heard Britt shout from the bedroom. "Yea I'm coming babe," she sighed as her thoughts kept going back to what she was gonna...she pushed it to the back of her head and walked into the bedroom only to see Brittany in only her boxers.

Brittany was so hot, she had defined abs and her chest wasn't to big or too small. "I felt more comfortable sleeping like this is you don't mind?"

"Not one bit, I love getting a chance to see your body," the dark haired girl said getting in only her bra and panties and laying in the bed. She felt Brittany cuddle up on her and begin playing with her hair, "you okay?" She heard Brittany ask

Brittany knew Santana was worried and stressed, in just a matter of hours everything can go wrong and she knew Santana was scared, "yea I'm just thinking, but we can talk about it in the morning, okay?" Santana asked laying her head in the crook of the blonde neck, Britt just nodded and began to drift to sleep.

A/N: a lot is about to be rushed with Brittany and Sam, and I think only about three chapters left maybe... but I will try and complete this I promise seee

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